Kristin: Tayelor: What is your line of business? What services do you offer? Where are you located? Tayelor: I am a make-up artist and stylist. I service, Connecticut, New York, and Boston. I offer make-up application for brides, custom eyebrow shaping, eyebrow and eyelash tinting, custom blend foundation, and, powder, make-up bag makeover, and, cosmetic and fashion personal … [Read more...]
4 Tips for Making Your Holiday Parties Profitable!
It’s that time of year again! Time for the annual company or neighborhood holiday party and all the other social events that come with the holiday season. The truth is that these seasonal events are also a great place for networking. And even if you don’t look at them as a ‘networking event,’ you likely will be meeting new people and making an impression in the process. You may … [Read more...]
The Work that Women Choose to Do
There was a time in my life when the work I did was work I could get...sometimes survival mode dictates our direction. I've worked as a waitress, a receptionist and file clerk to earn a paycheck. Those were not choices, those were positions available. And I almost didn't get those because I was "over qualified." In fact my first waitressing job I very nearly didn't get … [Read more...]
Winning at the NEW “Mommy Track”: The Rise of the “Mompreneur” Part VI
Getting them talking – How to get others to open up and share about themselves to build connections and establish strong business relationships. In order to curiously listen to those with whom you are building business relationships, first you’ve got to get them talking. How do you do that? Ask solid questions. Great, interesting questions lead to great, informative answers, … [Read more...]
How Far Should We Go?
Most women love to help, to rescue, to make what hurts all better. We have been programmed for centuries to be the caretaker. It is often a wonderful and powerful position…. most of the time. Except when you are so tired you can’t see straight and someone still wants something from you. Except when resources are limited and guilt keeps you at the end of the line till … [Read more...]
Winning at the NEW “Mommy Track”: The Rise of the “Mompreneur” Part V
Taking your conversations from casual to powerful. Taking that entrepreneurial leap can be terrifying. The most valuable tool you have whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been playing the game for years, is the relationships you build with others – Your Connections. For the past few weeks I’ve been sharing with you relationship-building strategies that can put … [Read more...]
Winning at the NEW “Mommy Track”: The Rise of the “Mompreneur” Part IV
Developing an advisory council for your business. This week, we continue to look at unique ways to reach out to your Powerful Connections list to build and strengthen your relationships. Having the opportunity to pick the brains of others in business while getting their honest feedback of you and your business is something you don’t want to pass up. Develop an advisory … [Read more...]
Winning at the New “Mommy Track”: The rise of the “Mompreneur” Part III
Becoming the Media & Reaching the Most Elusive Have you been staring at that list you made of Powerful Connections to keep in touch with, trying to figure out how you should reach out to them next? (See last Tuesday's blog for a refresher on who your Powerful Connections are) Do you need a new and unique way to connect with them? Become the media. One great way to … [Read more...]
3 Websites you already know about
Or you might not...I don't want to be presumptuous. I love discovering new-to-me things. When I received my laptop as a Valentine's Day gift from my husband a few years ago, it virtually opened up the world. My local world is somewhat isolated by current necessities and I felt cutoff and frustrated. I had tried starting one little business after the other, but when you … [Read more...]
Coaching as an Asset to your Business Development
How does your business make a difference in the world? In 2006 I began an intensive coaching process with Rob Seidenspinner of Sage Circle Coaching. Rob is a personal and professional coach and I was looking for specific insights into how my personal "story" was influencing my business outcomes. The benefits I’ve seen are as follows. Not all of these are directly … [Read more...]