On June 4th, I hosted the Whale Hunting Women Summit in Indianapolis, Indiana. The event provided inspiration, motivation, and direction for the more than 165 women who attended. As part of my own presentation to the audience, I talked about what I see as the movement from a culture of competition (a 20th century idea) to a culture of collaboration (a 21st century idea.) I … [Read more...]
5 Winning Strategies For Starting a Business
Guest post by Jane Wesman (learn more about Jane at the end of this post) Do you dream about starting a business, but don’t know where to begin? Does the idea of being your own boss and creating a company that provides great products and services excite you? But all you do is dream, unable to move ahead? You’re not alone. Many women feel this way. More than twenty-five … [Read more...]
Finding Loans for Women Owned Businesses
Post by Amy Blais, contributing Women On Business writer If you live in the New York area, you may have seen the recent commercials about Mike Bloomberg’s Women for Bloomberg coalition campaign. Bloomberg, along with others, is focused on helping women and minority owned businesses with loans to help them grow. During tough economic times, it may feel like banks are … [Read more...]
Are The “Shoulds” Getting You Down?
As women, we are continuously striving for work/life balance because we believe it's possible. All the subject matter experts (myself NOT included) tell us that we can achieve balance in our lives and we should make every effort to create this equilibrium for ourselves. It is doable. We are all superwomen. As a result, we have an ongoing list of things we "should" do for our … [Read more...]
Statistics About Women Business Ownders from Center for Women’s Business Research
Post by Dr. Marsha Firestone, contributing Women On Business writer Each year at the WPO/WPEO office, we order the new update of the “Key Facts about Women-Owned Businesses” booklet from the Center for Women’s Business Research. The information is not only useful in keeping us updated on the progress that women in business make each year, but is also a way to track the … [Read more...]
Promote From Within
Many corporations create an HR policy that suggests it's best to promote from within. Look at the existing talent and resources within your organization before your search to fill current or potential job openings takes you outside the company. It's a good policy and it makes sound business sense on many levels. Is it possible for us to mirror this policy for our own … [Read more...]
4 Great Women Bloggers
I've been on my "virtual blog tour" for one month now. This is an activity in which on every business day, a blogger or radio host invites me to be interviewed or contribute a guest post. Several hosts have invited me to be "present" in their blog space for several days. The purpose of my tour is to promote my new book Whale Hunting Women, and Nikki Leigh of Promo 101 is … [Read more...]
Thriving During an Economic Downturn
Post by Liz Cullen, contributing Women On Business writer Recently in the media, there haven’t been many positive stories about businesses doing well. As Amy discussed in her post last week, not only are there businesses surviving the downturn but also businesses who are doing the best they can to thrive in a downturn. Several women I have spoken to recently told me their … [Read more...]
Starting a Business in an Economic Downturn
Post by Amy Blais, contributing Women on Business writer In the current economic climate, it seems all we hear about is the bad news; people losing their jobs, companies going out of business, and banks failing. Oftentimes the overload of negative news makes us forget about the power of the entrepreneurial market in the US economy. However, entrepreneurs can be the answer to … [Read more...]
Networking to Land Contracts
Work is love made visible. - Kahlil Gibran As I get more experienced in my work, I'm seeing the value of dominating a "niche" service. What is niche? Niche is what you do absolutely the best. For example, there may be 100 restaurants in a 5-square block area in New York City, but there's only one, original and best falafel place. What are you the best at? What is … [Read more...]