Some successful entrepreneurs are born and others have simply learned how to exploit their strengths to their advantage. Whether you’re a natural or had to figure out how develop an entrepreneurial mindset, there are some key competencies that successful entrepreneurs have in common. Personal and professional development go hand in hand. Fortitude and … [Read more...]
Earn Respect and Get Recognition as a Woman Entrepreneur
Men and Women are considered as equals when it comes to recognition in the society. Really, does it really happen? I personally believe it mostly happens in books and newspapers. We, women have to struggle a lot to get our due respect and recognition for our own positions, which we have achieved through our hard work and excellence. When it comes to women entrepreneurs, … [Read more...]
Empowering and Inspiring Women in the Corporate World
Every time I miss a phone call, it can be stupefying when thoughts of guilt and apprehension hit me. It could be a client call I never knew of, or it could be my key employee planning a vacation that I am going to hate. Ultimately, it could just be an advertorial from the telecom service providers. Who cares? It is the fact that an important something has been missed that … [Read more...]
7 Reasons Female Entrepreneurs Are Happier
In a culture inundated with media hype about the “War on Women,” it might be surprising to learn that in the past year the number of women-owned $10-million+ businesses has grown 57%. Not only is investment by angels and venture capitalists up for female-led entrepreneurial endeavors, it seems we’re on the beginning of an upward curve. A recent worldwide survey showed … [Read more...]
Do You Work Outside The Box?
Do you work outside the box? How many times have you heard about a product being created by someone who thought outside the box? You tend to think of them as movers and shakers. They defied the odds and made it. People who live outside the box tend to look at things as if there were no limitations. These individuals take chances feeling that anything is … [Read more...]
The Entitlement of Entrepreneurs
It takes an insane amount of courage and determination to be an entrepreneur. Our perspective is always eerily optimistic and we don’t always respond well to ‘feedback’. We are so busy fighting for the life of our businesses that sometimes we forget that we are the only ones who signed up for this life willingly. Everyone else has come along for the ride to support us or … [Read more...]
Changing the game: How partnerships can change you business
In our quest to build an empire, we are often tempted to rush through relationship and just do it ourselves. During my many mistakes I have learned that the best way to build your empire is to collaborate and build relationships. Collaborating is not easy, you have to bring something to the table; so here are the secrets to successful collaboration as a small business. I … [Read more...]
You’re the Bully
In leadership positions, we all find ourselves in situations where we have to take a difficult position and enforce it. The problem is when we enforce decisions with a dictator-esque style of leadership. A leaders creates a creative atmosphere and develops future leaders, if you have every uttered the line “not everyone is going to agree with or like my style of leadership”, … [Read more...]
What small business can learn from Obamacare
I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon and shout about the evils of Obamacare, in fact I actually think that it’s a good thing. Having seen how other national health systems run, I see the value of preventive care from a business perspective. Healthier people cost less money, but to get to that value you have to implement the structure and that’s where we’re struggling. As a … [Read more...]
Why you need a female mentor
There will always be people that teach you things, but the real things you need to know will come from your female mentors. I may get a little cheesy here, but bear with me. These people are the ones who will help you build your foundation and who will understand the guilt you feel, when you have to leave your kid at the babysitter for another meeting. They get it, they … [Read more...]