Being a small business owner myself, I understand the utter terror that grips you when you have to make a purchase for your business. Everything costs you a fortune and your cash flow is never where you want it to be. There seems to be a never ending mantra “I know I need it, but I just can’t afford it right now”. Well ladies the wait is over. We all know that to be successful … [Read more...]
The Gospel of Sales
As an entrepreneur I know that sales are the lifeblood of my business, so when I am approached with a sales pitch I tend to take an analytical view. Recently I was searching for a vendor to complete my website overhaul and some of the pitches that I received…well they were interesting. In reviewing the pitches, I learned five most important points if you are not a marketing … [Read more...]
“How to get people to BUY from you!”
Last week I got so many emails from our mailing list and on Facebook asking for clarity on how to get people to buy from them. Well it’s not brain surgery but it does require a certain level of listening and giving that can change your financial future FAST! Let me to address some of your possible … [Read more...]
Time is Love
There is a new song out by Josh Turner entitled "Time is Love". Every time I hear this song it is a mini-exercise in personal and professional strategic planning for me. How often do we think about where we spend our time- and really get honest with ourselves? How often do we think about what we really care about, what matters most? And the final step... how often do we … [Read more...]
What’s Not Working in Content Marketing and How to Avoid It
Guest post by writer and online marketer Monica Crowe (learn more about Monica at the end of this post) It's enough to give a blogger heart palpitations. The moment readers find your online content, they evaluate whether or not they like you, and if they trust your message. With only nine seconds to make a good impression, bloggers make fatal decisions with their content that … [Read more...]
Starbucks, Blogging, and Making a Difference
Have you ever tried blogging at Starbucks? I love it. There is so much juicy content that you find to write about. Across from me right now is the perfect ideal of the corporate woman. Flawless hair, dressed like a man, and sitting perfectly stiff. She’s completely organized and the person we need to be running our corporate business models. Over in the corner is the … [Read more...]
Top 3 Ways To Get Women To Buy
Women love engagement, connecting with one another and networking, it's in our blood! Have you ever told a girlfriend of a great new product, clothing line, TV program or spa that you just adored? When I am looking for a great massage no matter what country I am in, I phone up a girlfriend or use Facebook to ask the question, I get immediate referrals and why. Now, that is one … [Read more...]
You Unique Selling Proposition, An Essential Ingredient To Success
Lately, I’ve surrounded myself with many powerful women. They are everywhere in my life. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of them, and I’m so grateful for that. What’s the common denominator? They are all boldly living their purpose!They all have found their unique selling proposition and know that it is an essential ingredient to their success. It changes how you take … [Read more...]
Control Your Brand!
As a small business owner many things are out of our control. As daunting as this seems, I attended an event here in D.C. a few weeks ago that challenged small business to think about their brand in relation to the perception of their CEO. Big companies manage this perception, but as big business the CEO's are somewhat removed from the process. Small business don't … [Read more...]
Innovative Branding For Female Entrepreneurs
The complexity of branding can be confusing when you come from the perspective that your brand is all about you, it is and it is not. Being a modern day figure in the marketplace of female empowerment leader and spiritual innovator leads one to believe that my life is my message, my image is my brand, my ideas are what the public is searching and looking for, if I come from … [Read more...]