By now you’ve gotten the message that networking is a crucial element of career success. If you’re going to make it you’ve got to connect. And you’ve read the rules – dress well, be sincere, be interested in the other person, follow-up to develop and build relationships, and so on. Does it still sound intimidating? So much so that you’re still holding back? Or maybe … [Read more...]
Networking, networking and more networking
Networking can seem like a daunting task for those with introverted and shy personalities, but it is a must to be successful. Since I've decided to give up a large portion of my client service business because I will be attending business school in the fall, I've decided to focus a lot more of my attention on going to events here in New York City and networking with people … [Read more...]
Give Others the Opportunity to Help You
I was in Rhode Island last Friday giving a workshop on Promoting Your Brand to Rhode Island Networking to Open Doors to Jobs. I arrived early and was, therefore, able to sit in on the facilitated networking exercise at one table. All of the people at the table were highly qualified and competent individuals who held director or executive level positions before being laid … [Read more...]
My love affair with social media
I’ve been battling a bad cold for the past few days and I could not sit at my computer long enough to send a Tweet - thank goodness for BlackBerries! As you can imagine, I had a lot of time to think between making my next batch of green tea and watching the Olympics in bed (Go Canada!). One question that came to mind was, “what would the world be like without the internet, … [Read more...]
Women Leadership and Mad Men
Some revolutions are bloody, and some are flash-in-the-pan moments. The women’s movement began quietly with a book “The Feminine Mystique”, moved to bra burning, and gained traction with consciousness raising groups. All of that seems like it was centuries ago. We now head large organizations, are in key positions in government, and have a say in just about everything. … [Read more...]
You were asked to write a recommendation…Now What?
Social media is all the rage and certainly a powerful medium at that! career profile marketing is the cornerstone for gaining immediate visibility worldwide. Fantastic! Each day, the numbers increase with new users, broadened network connections, and information to easily boost your knowledge base. Perhaps one of the most frequently discussed topics pertains … [Read more...]
How Do You Get Someone’s Attention?
I was in Orlando this past week with some colleagues training a medical device sales force on “purposeful communication”. “Purposeful Communication” is communication that has a goal or desired outcome and when applied to sales presentations, the objective is to create a sales presentation that is well organized around a desired outcome with your target audience. Selling to a … [Read more...]
What is your connector style (and what does it say about you)?
Today the ability to create effective business relationships and connect with others is becoming more important than ever for success. A businessperson’s ability to establish meaningful relationships fast is essential as our world becomes more connected technologically, but less so physically. Those that are able to create bonds, engage others, and develop impactful business … [Read more...]
Healthcare and Women
One of the most well-run and informative meetings I went to last year was the HBA conference in San Francisco. The Healthcare Businesswomen Association is a class act. What impressed me was the juggling act done to show the strong side of women in a mostly male dominated industry, as well as the feminine side that we, as women, need to maintain for our own sanity. The women … [Read more...]
Top 10 US Cities to Capture Small Business Recovery Act Dollars
Uncle Sam wants small business entrepreneurs to lead the nation to economic recovery--and has billions of dollars to make it happen. Small business owners are in line to receive low-interest loans and government contracts through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). To secure your little corner of the recovery, you'll need to be at the right place with the right … [Read more...]