You can use your life and work experience to help you create an amazing solution for others dealing with an issue you've faced. You see, what you have been through, what you have learned, and what you have come to feel passionately about may just be the root of a product, program, or service you can create to help others. As a personal branding consultant, I work with … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Make Money From a Blog
Every day you read about people who are making money on their blogs. It’s no wonder you think this could be the business model for you. You might love to write and feel that sharing what you have to offer via a blog is the perfect path to online success. Before you run off and quit your day job, take a look at the potential ways you could make money from a blog. 1. Pay Per … [Read more...]
10 Unique WordPress Themes for Your Design Business
Whether you design websites, marketing materials, clothes, houses, or anything else you can think of, if your business taps into your creativity, then you need a unique website to communicate your brand promise effectively. It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of WordPress (I wrote The Complete Idiot's Guide to WordPress), and one of the challenges I often hear business owners … [Read more...]
3 Benefits of Having an Online Business
Have you considered opening an online business or moving your current business online? Now is the time to do it! Here are three benefits of having an online business to help you make the leap: 1. Easy to Relocate – Go Global In life, we sometimes make sporadic life changes, such as relocating. This may be due to finding a job in another state, moving to make a better life for … [Read more...]
How to Get Your Business on Google’s First Page for Free
It is the dream of every business online to be on the first page of Google search results. The benefits you will get from it are huge, which---among other things---is lots of traffic. I mean constant traffic. The free method you can use in reaching this coveted position is by writing pillar content on your business blog. So what is it with Google and pillar articles? Google … [Read more...]
15 Business Templates for Freelancer Websites
The development of Internet technology gives us more opportunities to develop careers of our choosing and on our own terms. Thanks to the availability of the Internet with very high data rates, more and more creative industry professionals, such as designers, copywriters, programmers, and content managers choose to freelance. Freelancing has many advantages over a standard … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Earn While Having a Regular Job
So your nine to five just isn’t cutting it anymore. Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet, barely saving a cent for the future, or having trouble keeping up the lifestyle you want to live, you feel the need to make more money. Unfortunately, you can’t just quit your day job for whatever reason. All you can spend is the time when you’re not working. So what’s a … [Read more...]
How to Build an Ecommerce Website that People Trust – Infographic
You have an ecommerce website, but will that website convert visitors into paying customers? Did you know that the design of your ecommerce website could be costing you sales? An infographic from Kissmetrics provides a roadmap for a trustworthy ecommerce site, which is filled with useful information and many tips you might not have thought of before now. Check out the … [Read more...]
Top Five Online Business Opportunities for Women
Many women give up their careers after marriage so they can focus on managing the house and family. However, times have changed. Now, many women want to have it all – keep house, look after the children, and have a decent income – while staying at home. Indeed, women these days know what they want and go after it. They realize that they don’t need to be part of the corporate … [Read more...]
Impactful Blogging Class Led by Women on Business Founder in Orlando, Florida
Women on Business Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Susan Gunelius, is leading a seminar in Altamonte Springs, Florida (just minutes from Orlando) on February 21st called Impactful Blogging that will teach you how to leverage blogging to effectively build your brand and your business. Even if you're not planning to be in Central Florida on February 21st, it's the perfect time and … [Read more...]