Big subject here! Are you in a roller coaster of having money then not having it? The good news is that I’ve been there and I can help you. After many years of struggling financially. Landing the good job, having a great month, and then not having two pennies to rub together at the end of the year is all too familiar to me. It’s not a fun place to be, and the truth is … [Read more...]
3 Things I Learned from My Rebranding Experience
A week ago I launched my new brand, Be Irresistible Online, with a brand new website, Facebook Page and a completely new design. I’ve been working on this behind the scenes for a few months now and have learned a lot during the process about what makes a great brand and how to have an irresistible online presence. Here are three of the things that I learned through this … [Read more...]
How to Use Facebook to Build Your Email List
Facebook can be a fabulous tool for building your business, finding new customers and even building your email list. IF you know how to use it. It’s all fine and good to get lots of fans on Facebook, but chances are most of those fans don’t read your updates. You probably get lost amongst all the other stuff coming through on Facebook. So it’s not a very reliable way to keep … [Read more...]
Is Your Brand Cohesive or Confusing?
Your brand is the visual representation of you and your business. It includes your logo, the design of your website, your letterhead, your business cards, the fonts and colors you use, your tagline, the name of your business... and any other pieces that go into the image of your business. This image is the FIRST thing that people will see of you and your business when they … [Read more...]
3 Benefits of Having an Irresistible Website
Having a website that is irresistible can make a huge difference for you and your business. In fact, I would even say that it’s vital for your website to be absolutely irresistible, and without that your site is not going to be as effective as it’s meant to be. So why does your website need to be irresistible? Here are 3 benefits that you will see when you have an … [Read more...]
6 Reasons You Should Hire a Website Designer to do your Website & Social Media
A common mistake that start-up entrepreneurs make with their online presence is trying to save money by doing it all themselves and not hiring a website designer. While this may save money in the short term, in the end you usually end up with a design that you don’t really love, and a site that doesn’t really make money for you and your business. One of the best investments … [Read more...]
5 Costly Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Your website can be a powerful tool for marketing you and your business. It gives you a platform to reach your audience, to connect with your ideal clients, and to show them how you can help them. Whether you have a local or an international business, a website can definitely boost your sales! You can’t just throw up a website and hope for the best, though. There are certain … [Read more...]
3 Steps to Go PRO with Your Business Website and Make more Money
Your business website and the rest of your online presence can be a great tool to help you market your business and get more sales. In fact, that is its PURPOSE. Your online presence is simply a platform to share your big message, attract new clients and bring more sales to your business. If your website isn’t bringing you fabulous new clients and making you money, then it’s … [Read more...]
Sales For All Seasons
As we all rush out to do some holiday shopping and retailers put their best foot forward, as a small business owner you want to be sure that your sales don’t cripple your business. Attracting new customers is great, but what you want is repeat business and customer loyalty. Stick with these tips and build a relationship, not a sale. Listen to your customers While it is … [Read more...]
Women and Remote Working
There is currently a shift in the global work place with the rise in remote workers around the world. Due to the use of the internet, you can hire employees from across the world and have them work while you are sleeping. With this change and the rising number of women choosing to work remotely from home offices or other places, there are many things to consider. When your … [Read more...]