People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. —Earl Nightingale I don't typically start my day off on a mathematical note, but a date of 12/12/12 is hard to ignore. Add into the mix, the approaching season of resolutions and goal-setting, and suddenly 3, 6 & 9—all divisors of 12 and standard monthly intervals—popped into my head. From there it was an … [Read more...]
Risk Taking Women Entrepreneurs
Gambling on a Calculated Risk Roll the dice...and trust that the odds will be in your favor and if they aren't "May the odds be ever in your favor" (sorry I couldn't help myself), you have to be willing to do what it takes to turn the tables. Sometimes you just have to go for it. The one thing all entrepreneurs have in common...they took a risk. If they hadn't, they … [Read more...]
Help My Balls Are On Fire!
We all have the proverbial "balls in the air". As business executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and people we are busy! There are usually multiple things going on during a day. With deadlines to meet, clients to call, proposals to finish, sales to close, team meetings, conference calls, emails, texts, voice mails, traffic, kids, dinner, sports, facebook, friends ... … [Read more...]
Love What You Do
Love is the Missing Piece No, this isn’t an ad for a dating site, although maybe it should be.... I was in the process of writing on a different subject when I found myself in a conversation with a client (who shall remain nameless but will likely know its them when they read this ;) ) We were discussing their business and a particularly rough couple of weeks they have … [Read more...]
Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Support Each Other and Stand up for the Right to Choose I recently found an article that made me start thinking about the various struggles women have in the working world, wherever that may be. Anne-Marie Slaughter wrote Why Women Still Can’t Have It All , in the Atlantic mobile. The title drew me in immediately. In short, Anne-Marie talks about her decision to leave a … [Read more...]
Time is Love
There is a new song out by Josh Turner entitled "Time is Love". Every time I hear this song it is a mini-exercise in personal and professional strategic planning for me. How often do we think about where we spend our time- and really get honest with ourselves? How often do we think about what we really care about, what matters most? And the final step... how often do we … [Read more...]
Associate with Greatness
" Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain We all grew up with our mothers chiming in our ears "You are who your friends are" and "Be careful who you hang out with". Most of us promptly pushed those words of wisdom aside and went on our merry … [Read more...]
Live Your Passion and Increase Your Success
"Nothing in this world has ever been accomplished without great passion" - Hebbel, German Poet Passion for life and business is what excites us to jump out of bed in the morning and set out to accomplish our goals. As a business owner and professional it is very easy to set out on the path of success and keep walking until we reach that elusive finish line. … [Read more...]
We are now onto our second year of GUTSY WOMEN WEEKENDS (next one June 22-24, 2012) and we are making modifications due to a GUTSY woman in her 60’s, a social worker, mother, grandmother, and a woman who is thumbing her nose at MS and winning in her own way. Her name is Vikki and she drove up to The Country Place in North East Pa., got out of her van equipped for someone who … [Read more...]
Tonight we start a new GUTSY WOMEN WEEKEND. We are doing them every other month and they are making a difference for women who are in leadership positions or are emerging leaders. So, what does that have to do with memories? Nothing….. and everything. You see most programs want to stay with present situations and move forward. We believe that we need to clear the past … [Read more...]