I love surprises! Being listed among the Top 20 Leadership Books for emerging leaders made my day, actually it made my week. Up there with Covey, Maxwell, Bennis, and Blanchard is wonderful. I must admit, however, while I love to be there I was sad about the limited number of other women on this list. Hey ladies, what do you have to say about that? Top 20 leadership … [Read more...]
Women and Responsibility
Times, they are a changing, always. However, changing times seem to happen in the blink of an eye. I do believe we women leaders need to stop and take a deep look at what we are doing and the profound consequences of our actions. In days of yore, we were to be kept “barefoot and pregnant” and now we have “freedom of choice”. The big question is, what are we choosing and … [Read more...]
The Intricacies of How We Learn
The following is a validation that we still have a long way to go to make change happen when it comes to beliefs and perceptions about little girls and education. When I did research for my GUTSY book (due out in January) I was both frustrated and delighted with the studies that show how our own adult anxieties are picked up by little learners. The more we can … [Read more...]
Bethenny Frankel, Best Books on Start-ups, and 7 Leadership Attributes
What Can We Learn From Bethenny Frankel on Business? Bethenny Frankel is known as a reality star of Real Housewives of NYC, during that time Frankel started Skinnygirl cocktail. Which was sold for a reported $120 million. It was subsequently pulled from Whole Food Market shelves in August 2011 after it was discovered not to meet Whole Food's quality standards due to … [Read more...]
The Office Holiday Party? It’s Work!
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer. It's the time of holiday cheer - and you likely have a party (or two or three) on your calendar. Enjoy! That is, unless it's your office party or a client event. In that case, the smart move would be to consider it work. There's always a fine line between work and personal life, and no place is that more … [Read more...]
The Real Richness of the Holidays
The following TED talk on regret sparked some interesting emotions in me. I had a flash of remembering writing a freshman college paper on regret. My hypothesis was that if I paid attention to EVERYTHING I did and said I would live a life free of regret. Hummmm... I got an "A" for the quality of writing and research on that paper. I also had a comment by my professor that … [Read more...]
Women, Food, and Being GUTSY
This is the perfect time of year, when food is front and center in our minds, to honor a woman who has been in the food services industry for several decades. Yet, it’s not about her relationship with food that we’ll discuss; it’s about her relationship with women. Victoria Vega is the National Director of Business Development, Corporate Dining for CulinArt Managed Dining … [Read more...]
Approaching To-Do Lists
Do you ever look at your computer and see post it notes over every surface, notebook pages filled with unintelligible thoughts and tasks you don’t even know how to start? A lot of people have this problem and it makes our jobs and personal lives more difficult than it has to be and can lead to procrastination. Being organized and productive is an essential part of business, so … [Read more...]
Women and Remote Working
There is currently a shift in the global work place with the rise in remote workers around the world. Due to the use of the internet, you can hire employees from across the world and have them work while you are sleeping. With this change and the rising number of women choosing to work remotely from home offices or other places, there are many things to consider. When your … [Read more...]
A Gutsy Woman Leader Occupies Wall Street
There she was, tufts of purple hair framing her face as she stood daring the policeman to arrest her. “What if I punch you in the eye?” she queried. “What if I knee’ d you in the groin?” she challenged. She was told she would not be arrested if she stayed with the protestors and that made the day much brighter. Think about it. What do you do when you feel the passion … [Read more...]