I am always amazed by the power of women who have learned to stand tall and when knocked over, get up and get going. Each story is an inspiration for us for those moments when we think it is impossible to move forward. In my book to be released next month, “GUTSY: How Women Leaders Make Change” I explore the myth of Psyche and Eros, one of the oldest recorded stories. In the … [Read more...]
The Cost of Business
In our current situation many companies are cackling about how much money they have saving on services and are doing their fair share to keep pushing prices down. On the surface this savings looks good to many companies, but as soon as the economy turns around these services are going to go back to the increased costs they deserve and then what? Well in my years I have observed … [Read more...]
You Are What You Say You Are….
Leadership is an elusive quality and few people ever really get it, but as the figurehead of a company you are supposed to know what it means to be a leader and a motivator even if it wasn’t taught to you. In my industry I see a lot of individuals who were really good at their chosen profession and that skill got them thrust into the management arena. Leadership is an elusive … [Read more...]
The Leper in the Room: Workplace Violence
As a business owner I have noticed that entrepreneurs talk about a range of topics and we share some pretty personal details; what doesn’t happen is the talk about violence. We speak about managing teams and dealing with problem performers, but we very rarely speak about what happens when those situations go horribly wrong. To get to the bottom of this I got some advice from … [Read more...]
Leadership Lessons: It’s Really All the Same
When we talk about the programs from our company, we state that we are interested in developing leaders at every level. That does not just mean from senior executive to admin. It means from boardroom to dining room. Leadership, at its core is about helping others reach full potential. Isn’t that the deep yearning in all of us? Here is a good article and my response is an … [Read more...]
Move your Idea into Reality
The editor's message in a recent Dwell issue has an insightful comment about ideas that makes me think -- hard. He suggests that a good place to store your ideas is in the real world. Meaning you create and envision and idealize and thoroughly understand something in your mind, and then you physically bring that into reality. As a web developer, I feel a lot of kinship with … [Read more...]
Why Women Execs are Twice as Likely to Leave Their Jobs
Recently I blogged about research indicating that women executives are more than twice as likely to leave their jobs as men. As reported in U.S. News, the researchers determined that 7.2% of women executives in the survey left their jobs, compared to 3.8% of men. This consisted of both voluntary and involuntary departures. Read the entire article here. The researchers … [Read more...]
What is Your Leadership Vision?
I have just finished reading “The Female Vision” by Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson. It is worth the time. And the time is now. We are in such a powerful, yet vulnerable position in leadership in the workplace at this time when everything seems upside down and inside out. I will get back to The Female Vision in a minute. First, I digress to make a point. Last week I watched … [Read more...]
Can You Be Successful In Your Business’s Culture?
Are you having a difficult time excelling in your business’s corporate culture? Are you in an environment where you can succeed? Whether you work for a Fortune 500, small business, or a start-up, the question remains the same. This question is about much more than fitting in. I’m not talking about getting along with others and doing what you need to do get your job done. I’m … [Read more...]
Leadership and Feminism
In our recent GUTSY WOMEN LEADERS retreat I showed a video of Isabel Allende when she was a presenter at a TED conference. She is one of my favorite authors; her novels are filled with the depth of what life is all about; love, sorrow, misunderstandings, and the courage to change. She mentions a conversation she had with her daughter who stated emphatically that feminism is … [Read more...]