In the last few days, the letter I mentioned above is no longer functioning on my computer. And it’s so annoying and frustrating!! It’s amazing how we don’t give a second thought to the things we use on a daily basis. Yet, when they are no longer available we find ourselves in a tizzy! If I need to use that letter in a word, which does become an issue when I need to spell my … [Read more...]
The Homecoming Queen Grows Up (kinda)
Guest post by Susan Finerty (learn more about Susan at the end of this post) I wasn't Homecoming Queen--I was on the court. I still have dreams of winning. There I am, in my dusty rose-colored gown, flower bouquet in hand, tiara on head. But then I wake up and remember that I am a 40-something mom and a consultant to Fortune 500 companies and nobody is going to put a … [Read more...]
Chick Flicks and Leadership
Lots of plane rides lately, long plane rides with lots of movies. Instead of diving into writing next chapters on my new book about women and work based on our Women Executive Leadership Learning program, I watched and watched the small screen in front of me. There was Julia Roberts in Italy, India and Bali searching for true love. It was a modern version of boy and girl in … [Read more...]
Leadership Development and Educating our Young
Think back to when you began your school years. Did you wake up eager and ready for the learning and relationship challenges that were there each day? Were you a social butterfly or more prone to stand on the sidelines? Were you an academic star or just muddled through? There is lots of conflicting research about what really matters in the process to educate children. It … [Read more...]
I Really Truly Don’t Have Time!
Every day I run across the “I don’t have time!!” objection to getting things done (sometimes it is me saying it). As you’re working to finish this year strong and planning for 2011, here is a quick excerpt from The Connectors that I always find grounding. Often it is the simple advice that makes the most sense! Unless public relations is your specialty, the name Ivy … [Read more...]
It’s Time to Take Off Your Mask
Don’t you love Halloween? It’s not just because of the sweet treats. It’s so much fun to dress up in costume and take on the identity of someone or something else for the day. The holiday festivities give us an excuse to put on a mask and adopt a new persona. Perhaps we choose to be someone funny, or maybe we become a scary monster. Maybe we don some sexy clothing that’s … [Read more...]
Is Perfectionism Sabotaging Your Career?
It’s absolutely impossible to be perfect. I think on some level we all know this is true. So I think it’s very interesting that many of us live our lives pursuing perfection. Think about it. How much of your own life is spent trying to be perfect? How much emotional energy do you invest in perfectionism even though you realize it’s not possible to achieve? And, what … [Read more...]
Leadership Legacies: Do We Leave Them Happily Ever After?
The caller’s name was familiar. I listened intently and searched my long term memory bank for a clue. Then it clicked. Memories from 18 years ago began to flash and finally gain focus. She talked about the Leadership in Action trip we led to Peru and her expressive voice was smiling as we shared memories. We had all been so open, so trim, so full of adventure and Connie … [Read more...]
Getting Beyond Unconscious Bias
We are all guilty of bias. It is part of being human. One of the issues facing women in business is continued stereotyping , unconscious bias and the unintended consequences that result. This is one of the most difficult issues organizations face when they are working on culture shifts that must take place if women are to participate on an even playing field. The most … [Read more...]
How Much Portable Power Do You Have?
Last week, I interviewed five time CEO and author Margaret Heffernan on Head over Heels Radio. Our discussion covered many interesting topics relative to women and business, but one that really got my attention was what Margaret refers to as “portable power”. Portable power according to Heffernan is unique to each person. It is the sum total of your skills and … [Read more...]