“Can you believe it?” said the frustrated voice on the other end of the line. .. “She did it again!” the voice was getting louder. “I think it may be time for me to quit, I can never please her.” This was the essence of the frantic phone call from one of my coaching clients. “Real life is much more intriguing than fiction” was my thought as I began to dig into the drama … [Read more...]
How Much of Your Identity is Based on Your Job?
When we lose our job, it can be devastating. Very often it means a dramatic change in income. Our daily routine suddenly changes, and we are left with a tremendous void. After all, most of our waking hours are spent at work. How do we fill the time? All this is true, but I think the loss of a job means more to us on a much deeper level. In my recent interview with … [Read more...]
Using Your Unique Qualities
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer In a recent blog, I talked about a double standard for women on television. Even serious "business" reporters appear to need glamour with lots of hair and make-up, while the men are immune. So you can imagine my frustration when I came upon an article on Forbes.com called "Flirting Your Way to the Corner … [Read more...]
The Power of Moms = Wow
Post by Frances Cole Jones, contributing Women On Business writer I get frequent emails from Moms who have been out of the workforce for a while and consequently have concerns about their ability to re-enter the fray. I also hear from Moms who are working, but have concerns they still don’t have the “right” skill set. Having no kids of my own, I’ve been able to give some … [Read more...]
Coming up with Creative Solutions
I am fascinated by the creative process. Do you find that sometimes you are really in sync and great ideas come to you very easily and other times you struggle to even focus for a few seconds on a concept? Have you ever thought about what is happening when you are trying so hard to be creative? Recent research shows that when you are distracted from a creative challenge … [Read more...]
What You Dont Know Can Hurt You
Many times when working with organizations on strategies to increase gender diversity in the leadership ranks the leaders will say " lets just get all the women together and ask them what they want". While this is noble and certainly talking with the women in the organization to understand how they experience the culture is critical it is not "the answer" . One of the most … [Read more...]
Of Beauties and Beasts
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer I was watching a business channel, CNBC, the other day and it struck me - every woman commentator was glamorous and the men, well, not so much. Why, on a television show devoted to business, must the women be on the younger side with lots of hair and make-up - while the men are mostly aging and craggy … [Read more...]
Does it Work to Fake it until You Make it?
Do you know that low self-esteem can sabotage your career success? In a recent article in Forbes Woman, author Laura Sinberg states that people with low self-esteem often unconsciously sabotage their careers. Sinberg quotes Lois Frankel, PhD, author of Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office. People with low self-esteem often try to remain under the radar screen because they … [Read more...]
The mystery of Agent Stan Conch…SOLVED!
Do you know Agent Stan Conch? More importantly, can you manage working with him? He is in every part of our work life and personal life. We ALL know and work with Agent Stan Conch. He is wildly unpredictable, can be furiously stormy and always seems to show up at the least opportune times. How does one prepare to deal with his/her Agent Stan Conch? The strong, the … [Read more...]
The Business Case for Building a Flexible Work Culture- Part III
In the Part I and II of this series we talked about the opportunity to support our need for flexible work cultures with a solid business case. We outlined the fact that the majority of our employees require flexibility at some point in their careers. Research increasingly points to flexibility as one of the most important career considerations of staff, emerging leaders and … [Read more...]