I had the opportunity to witness the final day of a week-long Tibetan monk mandala creation in Santa Barbara, California. The tradition for this type of Buddhist mandala is to represent an ideal of a perfect universe, transforming our ordinary human minds into a state that is enlightened. The Sanskrit meaning of the word mandala is ‘circle’, and these art pieces are a … [Read more...]
3 Hacks to Be More Efficient for a Power-Packed Day
Have you ever wondered how people seem to juggle 15 tasks while sipping on their coffee with a calm smile? Well, you came to the right place. I'm going to help you unlock your own powerful, packed day, so you can sip your coffee with a smile too. Our world is full of distractions, but it's up to you to figure out how to master controlling and managing those distractions while … [Read more...]
Reducing Unproductive Work Time – Strategies for Busy Women in Business
As businesswomen, it often feels like there are not enough hours in a day to fit everything into 24 hours. We overwork ourselves and face the disappointment of unproductive days, feeling frustrated and exhausted at the end of each day. The good news is that with simple strategies, we can reduce our amount of unproductive work time! This article explores how to use the Pareto … [Read more...]
5 Ways Automation Can Turbocharge Your Online Business
Worries that automation is difficult to implement and no less of a challenge can make online businesses miss out on some remarkable opportunities. Automation has long been used to speed up time-consuming manual processes, helping businesses become more scalable, productive, and – above all – profitable. But today, it has advanced by light years, ushering in a brand new era of … [Read more...]
Freeing Yourself from the Scroll – How to Use Social Media and Live Your Life
Many of us have an intense love/hate relationship with social media. There are things to learn and great content to consume — but man, you can scroll for a solid 45 minutes in what feels like a blink of an eye. How do we help ourselves reap the benefits of social media (even just the laughs) without frittering away too much of our time at the expense of actually living? Here … [Read more...]
3 Decluttering Hacks to Apply at Work for a More Productive Day
2020 was the year I went from being a mum of one to a mum of two. It was also the year I relaunched my health coaching practice when my son was 5 months old. What became really apparent to me becoming a mum of two is that the things that worked for me before, I now had to come up with new ways to tackle them. For example, preparing home-cooked meals was challenging when … [Read more...]
Are You Guilty of Using These Procrastination Excuses? Here’s How to Overcome Them
Do you procrastinate? Don't worry - you're not alone. Everyone procrastinates sometimes, especially at work when you're asked to complete tasks and projects that you don't like. Unfortunately, procrastination usually leads to lower productivity and higher stress. It's time to stop procrastinating and start doing! Following are five of the most common procrastination excuses … [Read more...]
5 Procrastination Excuses You Use and How to Crush Them
Are you a procrastinator? Is there something you're supposed to do (or do you have a list of things to do) that you keep avoiding? Have you been telling yourself that you're too busy to do it now or you're not in the right frame of mind to tackle it right this second? If you've ever been in this position, you're guilty of using some of the most common procrastination … [Read more...]
The Everyday Habit That Is Killing Your Brain (and Your Dreams)
Our 21st century world demands a lot from us. We're completing big projects, responding to emails, checking social media, raising children, caring for friends and family, and managing our own health. And we’re doing it all at once. At least, we’re trying to. With so much going on, we resort to the age old trick: Multi-tasking. It’s the only way to get everything done, … [Read more...]
3 Fundamental Secrets for Mastering Time Management
It can often feel that the thing that stands between you and your goals is lack of time. How often have you wished for more time in the day? How many times have you thought that if you had just one, two, three more hours you could get everything done? But alas, time is the great equalizer – it’s the one thing we all have the same amount of. And so the key is not to wish for … [Read more...]