Choosing a business partner is a big decision -- really, really big. This is the person you'll work closely with for years to come if you're successful, but you won't have a chance of reaching your goals if you and your business partner are not the right match. As business partners, you'll be tied to each other. Decisions made by one partner will directly affect not just the … [Read more...]
Ready to Become a Solopreneur? Here Are 3 Steps to Get You Started
Tired of the 9-to-5 lifestyle? You may want to consider transitioning from employee to solopreneur. Just make sure you can manage the demands of being the visionary, brand ambassador, accountant, and technical specialist. A solopreneur is somebody who develops their own personal brand in order to market their products and services. They’re not creating a company to hire … [Read more...]
3 Key Areas to Improve Your Business
The small percentage of entrepreneurs who succeed know this: If your business is going to succeed, you must focus on constant improvements. Small incremental changes in your business are the key to succeeding in business. Following are three key areas every business should focus on: 1. Customer Acquisition Getting new customers is tough for most businesses. Getting new … [Read more...]
The Art of Competition: How Your Small Business Can Survive in a Big World
It is unfortunate when small businesses close their doors due to increased competition from large brands. The bargaining power of large companies means that they can keep their costs low by negotiating better deals on leases, taxes, goods, and services. The bottom line is that their dollars go further than yours, which in turn, means they can offer better price points or … [Read more...]
How to Know if It’s Time to Expand Your Business
Thinking about expanding your business is a big deal for obvious reasons. If your clientele is growing and you need to move to a bigger space or increase the number of employees, you need to make sure that you'll continue to operate efficiently and effectively. More importantly, you need to make sure that you don't get ahead of yourself. Growing is good, expanding without … [Read more...]
How to Use Joint Ventures to Your Advantage
When clients approach me with helping them with their businesses, the first thing I ask is, "Who do you know well in your industry?" I ask this question because small businesses need other small businesses to help grow. The misconception in small business is that there is a 'do it all by myself' mentality. The truth is that you can grow your business as well as another’s by … [Read more...]
5 Things to Consider Before You Sell Your Business
Ending a business is usually the last thing a business owner wants to think about. However, succession planning should be a top priority of business planning. This is because it is important to think how you are going to build the value of your company. How you plan to end your company may be a necessary part of how you plan to start your company. Are you building something to … [Read more...]
10 Great Business Ideas for Couples
Do you love your spouse? Why not start a business together? Because of the growing trend for families to have both parents working, it is worth considering great business ideas for couples. Consider these 10 business ideas if you want to start a business with your spouse: 1. Coaching for New Couples Given that the first few years of marriage can be very challenging, … [Read more...]
How to Run Your Own Business Successfully
Are you thinking about starting your own business? Does something always get in the way? From insufficient funds to lack of experience, spending time with the kids, to the hours you dedicate to draining your brain in the nine-to-five job you already have; there’s always an excuse that prevents us from biting the bullet and taking the risk. More often than not, what really stops … [Read more...]
How to Transition into Entrepreneurship
So you want to start a business, but you don't yet have a game plan. Need some solid tips to get you started? You’ve come to the right place. For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume that you are working full-time right now and dreaming of having your own business. You know you have something to offer a client or customer (skills or products). You are not afraid of … [Read more...]