A few years ago, I wrote an article for Entrepreneur.com called "10 Laws of Social Media Marketing." In that article, I shared what I felt were the most important rules of social media marketing that all brands and businesses must follow to be successful. Last week, I stumbled on a SlideShare presentation created by Abhishek Shah that is a cool visualization of my original … [Read more...]
13 Lists to Make Your (Work) Day Better
In the market for some new office art? Here's a tip: Skip the ethereal paintings and photographs and surround yourself with a creative display of insight and advice, culled from your favorite sources. If you don't mind dedicating a few pages of printer paper to your design, you can quickly create eye-catching "snippets for success" to motivate yourself and others during the … [Read more...]
Social Media Made Worthwhile
Here's a scenario you can relate to: Just before settling in to edit this post the other night, I skimmed eight different articles on social media (how-to, why-to, when-to, where-to, who-to...), clicked "Read Later" five times, "Pin It" once; posted on Facebook and Twitter, updated my Paper.li, shared a link on Google +, tweaked one of my online profiles and commented on one … [Read more...]
Brand journalism 101: Tell a Better Story
If you want your company to succeed at brand journalism (aka corporate media gone social), you better know how to tell a good story. Otherwise, be prepared to take a lot of heat from its critics who would be elated to escort "brand journalism" out of 2013 STAT. Brands, of course, love it, because it enables them to bypass the media and take their message directly to the … [Read more...]
Are you ready to kick butt in 2013?
Right now, the idea of kicking butt in 2013 is probably the last thing on your mind. But come January 2, when that alarm clock goes off, you're going to feel a lot better about facing the New Year with a blueprint for success. With that in mind, the best thing you can do for yourself in that first week is to keep your schedule light. Unless a face-to-face meeting is … [Read more...]
Transforming social media into social meetings
If you're like me, leading an online lifestyle has become second nature. So much so, that conversations about the downside of social networking rarely crop up (the topics of cyber bullying and "too much information" notwithstanding). Hanging out online is part of our daily routines, just as brushing our teeth and getting to the gym. Other than my eyes and fingers, which could … [Read more...]
The Social Media Cocktail Party
Being on every social media platform doesn't make the woman, or her business - her interactions do. There are literally hundreds of social media platforms out there. If you type in 'social media platforms list' you will see that there are tons. You think I'm kidding? Go ahead, I'll wait. Being successful at social media is not measured by how many platforms you have a … [Read more...]
Interview With Groupon
In the last few days Groupon has been in the news with columnist discussing investor fears over a decline in revenue growth. The Wall Street Journal reported that revenue rose just 2% sequentially from the first quarter causing many investors to question its valuation, growth potential and sell shares. In 2010 Forbes listed Groupon as one of the world's fastest growing … [Read more...]
How to Use Facebook to Build Your Email List
Facebook can be a fabulous tool for building your business, finding new customers and even building your email list. IF you know how to use it. It’s all fine and good to get lots of fans on Facebook, but chances are most of those fans don’t read your updates. You probably get lost amongst all the other stuff coming through on Facebook. So it’s not a very reliable way to keep … [Read more...]
Should You Allow Your Employees to Follow you on Twitter and Facebook?
According to Janine Popick CEO and Founder of Vertical Response, she explains her reasons why she may or may not allow some employees to follow her on twitter or facebook. Here are some great tips to remember depending on your style and use of social media with your employees. You do not have to be “Big Brother”, but it is a good way to pay attention to what your … [Read more...]