Female executives are more than twice as likely to leave their jobs as men. This includes both voluntarily and involuntarily departures. Yesterday I was interviewed by a reporter writing for CareerBuilder on negotiating for women in business, and the data from a study by John Becker-Blease of Oregon State University, and his colleagues from Loyola Marymount University and … [Read more...]
Is the Male-Female Wage Gap a Myth? You Decide….
Stirred. That’s the best word I can use to describe how I feel after seeing the very recent findings from the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) about the gender wage gap. I’m even more . . . stirred . . . by IWF’s Carrie Lukas’ Op-Ed, “There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap" in the Wall Street Journal. Boy, is she going to get some hate mail! Carrie and her group draw some … [Read more...]
Reinvent Opportunity, Restore Satisfaction
Guest post by LaMae Allen deJongh, managing director for US Human Capital and Diversity for Accenture (learn more about LaMae at the end of this post) Experience tells us that when employees are unhappy they look for new jobs. But what if that’s no longer true? What if, for a variety of reasons, dissatisfied employees are staying with their companies? New global … [Read more...]
myTRUSTnetwork Launches Dear Diary Survey for Women
myTRUSTnetwork is seeking help from women in completing a brief anonymous survey. "Dear Diary" is a questionnaire designed specifically for women to gather feedback on their thoughts around achievement, fulfillment and relationships, past, present and future. The goal is to get a response from 1,500 women over the next 90 days. Will you help? Following are the simple … [Read more...]
57 More Years Until the Gender Pay Gap will Close
The gender pay gap isn't isolated to the United States. According to a study by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), if current salary trends continue, it will take another 57 years for the gender pay gap to close in the United Kingdom. In other words, another half century will go by before men and women will earn the same wages for doing the same work. The Chartered … [Read more...]
Women are in the Social Web Driver’s Seat
A report from comScore paints a clear picture of the information superhighway, and women are in the driver's seat. Statistics related to social web use show more women visit social networking sites than men (75.8% of women vs. 69.7% of men). Furthermore, women spend 30% more time on social networking sites than men do. Another interesting point from the study reveals that … [Read more...]
Women and the Changing Global Economy
The numbers have been coming in steadily over the past few years, and there is no way to deny anymore that women are taking greater control of the U.S. economy (and much of the global economy) and doing it quietly and quickly. For example, back in 2008, U.S. News and World Report released data telling us that women controlled 60% of the wealth in the United States. That … [Read more...]
Why is the Pipeline in Peril?
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer We all know those dismal and annoying stats about women in business – we’re about half the workforce but only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs, 15% of board of directors, and 13% of executive officers. It’s also true that women are making great strides and graduating with about half of the advance professional degrees, … [Read more...]
Taking Over Male-Dominated Industries
Post by Veronica Eyenga, contributing Women On Business writer According to WomenEntrepreneur.com and The Center for Women’s Business Research, the number of woman-owned businesses is on the rise. The biggest noticeable difference? Not all woman-owned startups are service industry based, a trend that dominated the last decade. That’s right. With every new woman-owned … [Read more...]
Top 10 US Cities to Capture Small Business Recovery Act Dollars
Uncle Sam wants small business entrepreneurs to lead the nation to economic recovery--and has billions of dollars to make it happen. Small business owners are in line to receive low-interest loans and government contracts through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). To secure your little corner of the recovery, you'll need to be at the right place with the right … [Read more...]