Some revolutions are bloody, and some are flash-in-the-pan moments. The women’s movement began quietly with a book “The Feminine Mystique”, moved to bra burning, and gained traction with consciousness raising groups. All of that seems like it was centuries ago. We now head large organizations, are in key positions in government, and have a say in just about everything. … [Read more...]
Leadership Lessons: I’d Rather Be a Whale
Part of leadership, especially women, is to be a voice for separating the wheat from the chaff. It is time for all of us as women leaders to put a halt to the binding messages we are bombarded with about image. No, I don’t mean we should all state that overweight is better, I mean we need to begin to question what is being fed to us (sorry for the pun) about what is the … [Read more...]
Women and Men: Different Perspectives
We really are different. Our brains are different, as well as the outlook on what is important. I believe we can help each other see new and critical points of view. I also believe we need to give each other space to be ourselves. Often the best way to say “vive la difference” is through humor. Stephen Kapustin, a lawyer in Philadelphia is a graduate of our Total Leadership … [Read more...]
Leadership and a Cup of Tea
The next six weeks of winter are the challenging ones with the flu, colds, and general challenges for all of us until those first green shoots of spring brighten the day. A vital question for all of us, and especially women in business who tend to be caretakers and pleasers is “What do you do to renew your spirit?” I’d love to hear responses that can give all of us some new … [Read more...]
Healthcare and Women
One of the most well-run and informative meetings I went to last year was the HBA conference in San Francisco. The Healthcare Businesswomen Association is a class act. What impressed me was the juggling act done to show the strong side of women in a mostly male dominated industry, as well as the feminine side that we, as women, need to maintain for our own sanity. The women … [Read more...]
Leadership Partnership and Business Possibilities
Clearing out the old to make way for the new is a wonderful practice as we enter a new year. This time, as we graduate into a new decade, the teen years of the century, we have an amazing opportunity to find a better balance and create a different kind of partnership between men and women. I believe that female leaders in the work world can lead the way in positive and … [Read more...]
The Plight of the Pleaser
In graduate school I was in an experiment to see what happens when emotionally laden words are presented to you. The question was “can just one word make a difference in how you react?” I’ll give you the answer straight up, one that I guess you already intuitively know. The answer is “Yes! Words, even simple words, not linked together in a sentence can cause us to shake and … [Read more...]
Ten Tips to Earn Stimulus Money Contracts
Federal dollars from the stimulus package are slowly making their way to state and local governments, which will award contracts for all kinds of goods and services with this money. Money that was formerly spent in the for-profit sector is now being spent by government entities. If your business is not prepared to tap into this fertile source of contracts, it is time to … [Read more...]
About Leading
I am delighted to be a newbie blogger for Women on Business. This site is filled with great ideas to help all of us climb even higher on our journey to excellence. I believe this is the time for us as women to bring our unique gifts and talents into every aspect of the workplace. We are masters of intuitively understanding that everything is connected and no one wins unless … [Read more...]
Join the Women On Business Roundtable Discussion and Hairzing
Please join us in a lively discussion going on through the comments in the March Women On Business Roundtable discussion. This month, we're pooling our experience and expertise to help the women of overcome a competitor problem. All ideas, comments and conversations are welcome! Do you want to get thousands of dollars of expert business advice for free? … [Read more...]