Please join me in welcoming Chrysty Beverley Fortner, of Fortner Factor Inc., to the Women On Business writing team. Chrysty brings a great creative mind and diverse background to Women On Business, and I’m very happy to have her join the conversation on Women On Business.
About Chrysty Beverley Fortner
Relationship Builder, Public Speaker, Business Developer, Team Motivator, Project Coordinator, Creative Writer, Event Planner, Marketing Strategist, Change Implementer, Experience Enhancer!
As a marketing professional, Chrysty has marketed, orchestrated, motivated, and branded people, concepts and products in the entertainment, sports, music and banking industries.  She embraces creation, challenge and change. She facilitates positive culture transformation within an organization.  She enjoys learning and broadening her sphere of influence.  She works well under pressure and welcomes opportunities to integrate creative, innovative solutions to unproven initiatives. She is far from perfect. She makes mistakes. She apologizes when she’s wrong.  She is humbled by the support of her friends and family to become the woman God made her to be. She is still working on that.
She is currently the director of marketing for the Tennessee State Fair. Besides receiving the directive to “reinvent the fair,” she wants to create an affordable place for families to make memories in this tight economy. It’s not been easy, but Chrysty welcomes a challenge (maybe if she stops saying that, she’ll stop getting such challenging projects). And maybe that’s what lured her in the first place. Chrysty says, “Stick with me over the next 8 months and watch my life unfold as I turn what critics say is a “thug-filled midway” into a rich experience of safe, clean family fun. I will do all of this while having fun and causing others to enjoy the process.” Chrysty also writes at