Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer
There are some women you meet in business who just seem to shine. It’s that indefinable combination of traits that give these women a certain presence and charisma. The most successful inspire trust in others by combining the best of their feminine leadership traits with their confidence and authority. Women who have this “it” factor are often described as passionate about their work, genuine in their approach and good at connecting with others. If you don’t feel you are quite there yet, how can you develop the somewhat illusive qualities of impact and presence?
Though they won’t be found in standard leadership training programs, think about the qualities below and see if any of them are compatible with your personality and style. We women have some special attributes which we shouldn’t be afraid to utilize appropriately in the workplace.
Get Personal
Display a personal and thoughtful touch in your relationships. It will pay off in building morale, cementing relationships and encouraging high performance with your employees and colleagues.
Demonstrate an Interest
Connect with people and show a genuine interest. Ask a colleague “how are you doing?” and wait for an answer. Look people in the eye and acknowledge them when you pass.
Show Your Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is contagious – people naturally want to be part of the world of someone who sees things positively and optimistically, so be upbeat in your demeanor. Having a positive cadence to your voice and a great smile will do a long way.
Keep Up Appearances
By looking good every day, you set an example and show those around you that you care about your appearance. It also helps you feel good about yourself. Whether it’s a dress up or dress down day, make sure your appearance demonstrates your pride in yourself.
Make Things Happen
Be the type of person who is known for “doing” by jumping into a project or initiative. Show that you’re an action person, not just someone who talks a good game and gets everyone else to do the work.
Be a Thought Leader
Stay current with trends and events in your industry, read newspapers and magazines. Being well rounded will lead you to being an interesting conversationalist as well as generating interesting ideas that capture the imagination of others.
Develop a Powerful Aura
Develop your own powerful blend of femininity, professionalism and authority in your clothing, style and communication. Consider your personality, position and work environment in order to determine what style will work best for you.
Know Who You Are
Having self-confidence about who you are will project to others and lead them to have confidence in you. Setting your priorities straight and maintaining a perspective on life will keep you centered and able to handle whatever arises.
Start the Day Right
Make the effort to greet people when you come in each morning. Smile, and acknowledge them without being overbearing, since not everyone is a ‘morning person.’ It sets the right tone for starting the day’s work, no matter what problems may lie ahead.
Walk the Halls
Take a break and step out of your office every so often for a stroll around. Pop in here and there, and you may even find you pick up some good information on your walks. It’s positive to get out and see, and be seen, by others.
— From Breaking Into the Boys’ Club 2009
How many of these qualities do you possess? What others do you think are important? Please join the conversation!
“Walk Around”. I like this tidbit but there are actually many women (and men) who take this to mean something else. Initiating conversations with people on “your” break when you have free time, seems to discredit that anyone else, including the overly nice assistant, has time to catch you up on the gossip. Avoid being the interpersonal know-it-all and use break times to set up casual meetups with other pros to chat off the record in a designated “water cooler” space.