This week I am presenting at a wonderful conference- Linkage Women in Leadership. This event is held in San Francisco each year. It is a high energy event for women in all stages of career development. The event draws very powerful keynote speakers and excellent breakout presenters. Many many years ago I came to this conference to learn about the advancement of women . The Firm I was a partner with at the time was very far behind in maximizing the talent of women. Less than 5% of the partners at the time were women.
As I sit here today -many years later, I have a moment to reflect on how far I have come. Today I am a conference speaker, national chair of the AICPA industry executive committee on women’s advancement and successful consultant in the advancement of women. I am reminded of how often the women I work with as a coach do not take time to look at themselves and their considerable success. A good friend and coach has often told me: “you have success amnesia”.
I have come to believe many women suffer from success amnesia. Possibly it is more a function of not having the time and space to step back and see ourselves clearly. Today – I have two things to ask from you. Number 1- Take time to enjoy your success. Spend a few minutes looking back on your life and all you have accomplished. Number 2- Find a fabulous woman in your life and be a mirror to her success. Help her to see herself clearly. This is something we need to do for each other as women.
Let me know how it goes!
I am guilty of the same amnesia and many of my clients are as well. I suggest to them that they keep a success journal to record all their accomplishments each day so they don’t lose track of everything they do. Then when it comes to performance reviews, job interviews or just promoting themselves they have all the documentation they need to “brag”.
Great post Mary! i know that I am guilty of success amnesia, but it is hard to enjoy my successes when there is so much that I am trying to accomplish. As a mother and business woman I find my days ending the way they started, with a never-ending to-do list. I am going to take more time to reflect on the things that I have been successful at. I have a feeling that doing this will alleviate some of my stress. As far as successful women in my life, I am very fortunate in that department. I recently added a truly inspiring woman to my very short list of mentors, learn more about her at
Mary, I’ve never heard the phrase ‘success amnesia’, but it is (sadly) true. With more women working outside the home, in addition to their roles as CEO & CFO at home, it is a wonder we have any time for success reflection. I would add to this by suggesting that we practice positive self-talk (that running monologue that streams through our head). Not necessarily looking in the review mirror at our past successes, but all that we are accomplishing in the here and now. “I can, I will and I am” are powerful motivators.