Please join me in welcoming Echo Garrett to the Women On Business writing team. Echo brings a diverse skill set and a wealth of experience to Women On Business as you’ll learn from her bio below.
About Echo Garrett
Echo Garrett is the Founder and CEO of Equity Enterprises. Equity serves as a creative and productive resource for small rural business owners. Equity is currently providing the blank canvas for a new start up Company, Vicinity Hardware. Vicinity Hardware is a true hybrid experiment within its industry.  A retail hardware business: Vicinity has a strong E Presence for continued relational and consultant-branded sales. E Learning platforms are used to motivate and educate sales staff and in-home services provide customers with that personal and reliable expertise.  Vicinity has been launched in five geographic locations and expects to expand exponentially. For more information visit
Echo completed her graduate studies in Educational Administration, while she holds two undergraduate degrees in Education and Music. Echo and her husband own a wholesale distribution company, where her strengths lie in the implementation of the Continuous Improvement Model. A former professional opera performer, Echo has recently returned to the stage with Opera Idaho. Echo is currently studying Cultural Anthropology with a “corporate†twist. She approaches every step of her life as a learning opportunity and welcomes you to share this new path in her weekly contribution to Women on Business. Visit Echo on Linkedin at