Every time I miss a phone call, it can be stupefying when thoughts of guilt and apprehension hit me. It could be a client call I never knew of, or it could be my key employee planning a vacation that I am going to hate. Ultimately, it could just be an advertorial from the telecom service providers.
Who cares?
It is the fact that an important something has been missed that eats at my mind knowing no rhyme or reason.
With life throwing its umpteen number of challenges for us entrepreneurs, workable gear and gadgets are more important than your night’s sleep and the morning walk. Well, almost!
And then I come across a friend who is more into vacations than busines,s and I end up with the question, “How do you manage it?” Her answer is both simple and creative. She only replied (and I cherish that), “Spin the yarn only till you need to, the rest will take care of itself!”
So here I am. With a great zeal to share with you what I found as my first post on Women on Business.
There are women who inspire, and there are those who perform beyond expectations. From Brittney Bean to Lisa Bettany, I have found a whole lot of them who feel, talk, and walk like my friend. They have come up with solutions that have driven technology in the world of entrepreneurship. Today, every entrepreneur can hope to fight the odds through the use of the technology created by these wonderful women.
I draw motivation from these stars who in their own individual ways have given me the inspiration to seriously start out on achieving my dreams. I shall keep everyone updated about more here.
Keep watching!