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Everyone knows the saying, “Fake it until you make it,” but to become a successful business woman who is able to combine your personal and professional life, you should never pretend. Instead, become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.
Looking like you’ve already achieved the level of success that you want is a must, but another thing is to act like a successful woman. Before you start looking for available job positions that would fit your image of success, learn some useful habits that you should cultivate in order to navigate your career and pave your the life path that you truly want.
The following steps will not only help you stay productive and sane while at work, but they’ll also help you organize your personal life.
Make Checklists
In the rush and speed of today’s world, being a great multitasker is a must in order to stay afloat and above the competition. The huge amount of information that we get every day is mostly a good thing, but it is extremely important for use to have some sort of order in our lives. To do this, you can try making two separate checklists. The first should be the tasks you have to accomplish during the current day. Try to list these items in the order of priority, so you know what you should focus on first. The second list should be the things you have to do during the week. These are all of the things you have to do that are not urgent. Rewriting the daily list every day will help you get things done efficiently and take control of your life.
Take Three Steps
It doesn’t really matter what career path you choose, sooner or later you’ll have to give someone negative feedback or tell them some bad news. One of the best ways to cope with difficult conversations is to use the three steps approach. Thus, start with something good (about the person, or the person’s work, or another positive point, but be honest about it), and then tell the bad news or give your constructive criticism. Finally, end on a positive note. This way, you’ll not only soften the feedback, but also maintain good relationships.
Manners Matter
No matter what field you are working in, and who you are communicating with—in both formal and informal situations—you should always remain thoughtful and polite. It may seem obvious, but don’t forget about saying please and thank you.
Bite Your Lip
Always keep in mind that it is okay to be wrong, even if you know you’re right. Sometimes it’s better to maintain a relationship than prove you’re right. If you feel like you want to have the last word, hold your tongue and stay silent. It may be difficult at first, but with time, you’ll see the benefits. Plus, people typically respect those who have a high level of self-control.
Stay Fit
Staying fit doesn’t mean being on a diet or keeping food diaries—it’s about staying physically sharp. If you can’t work out regularly, try taking 10 minutes breaks and walk around the block, the building, or at the park (if there is one near your workplace). The fresh air and sun can refresh your body and mind, which increases your creativity and productivity.
Thanks a lot for this interesting post. Your are of course right by recommenting to bit our lip.
However, there are moments when you have to say what needs to be said although it must still be polite. To me it is rather “consider if you need to bit your lip or to speak up”.
Have a wonderful day.
Great article. I’d add that women need to create a habit of building their value. It’s a process of ensuring the work you do has a real impact on your future. I worked with numerous women’s groups to create the book, Just Me: The Business Woman’s Personal Branding Guide. So many women contributed to this work to show other women how to creating a personal brand can be done. I was inspired by the whole process.
This article is very true, especially ‘making checklists’. I find that making lists help to prioritize activities because a huge part of being successful (or at least trying to achieve success) has more to do with time management than anything else. But, I’d also add to the list the one thing any successful person – male or female – must have: Discipline. Without that I don’t think success in anything is achievable.