Post by Monica Flores, contributing Women On Business writer
I’m an avid social networker and you can find me on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook
If you’re in business, I encourage you to develop an effective and utilitarian web presence on these sites. In this post, I provide a brief introduction to Facebook and 7 of my top tips for maintaining your business presence on this site.
As in any other networking tool, consider Facebook as a way to maintain your multiple connections, to keep in contact with people in your life and to promote your personal branding "message."
On Facebook, you have a "Profile" which includes things like your "Wall", some "Info" about you, "Photos" if you choose to share them, and other tabs for you to use as you wish.
Use your Facebook profile like any other social networking profile: keep it as professional or as personal as you like, but focus on it. Also realize that much of the information is publicly accessible to anyone you connect with, so mind your manners and demonstrate respect for yourself and others. Images, links, videos, and news items are all available through Facebook: post ones that you feel are most appropriate to you. Also look for the people you remember from years ago: there’s a good chance some of them are either online with Facebook or will join soon. Happy Facebooking!
1) Setting up a profile. Facebook requires a legitimate e-mail and password if you want to be a part of it. Choose an e-mail you actually check and use a password that you remember!
When you log in, start with the basics: your main task is to organize your profile and then connect (or "add as friend") people who are already on Facebook. When you first log in, go to Settings (next to Logout) and change your Privacy Settings, particularly your Profile (your "presence" on Facebook)
as well as your News Feed and Wall
Next there is Education and Work Information, as well as Contact information. When you use all your e-mail addresses, you may specify which ones you want to show as being "public" and the others are hidden but available to people doing a search on you.
2) Update your Profile Picture with something that you feel best represents you: for most people it’s a picture of them either as an individual or with others. Keep the photo as personable as possible. Maintain decorum!
3) Your next task is to connect with "friends" using the "Friend Finder" or a search on people you know.
Your school classmates or company workmates are here:
Facebook also helps you find people you e-mail or some suggested friends, based on your gmail, hotmail, yahoo, or other web-based mail service.
4) Your "Status Update" is a great way to share your ongoing process. Some people post links (hint: use to make a long link shorter) or events that they’re attending or organizing. You could also use your status update to share any new projects you’re using.
5) Use the "Share bookmarklet" (download and install into your browser) to quickly share links via your profile or directly messaged to your friends.
6) Do you maintain a blog? You may import your blog postings onto your Facebook profile:
Go to your Profile.
On the menu bar under "What are you doing right now" go to Settings.
Then under Stories Posted by You, "You can automatically import activity from YouTube, Flickr and other services to your profile."
Choose the link "other services"
Then choose far right: Blog/RSS
Enter the URL for your blog. NOTE: This might be your website domain, or it may be the long link to your blog, e.g. OR
Facebook will find the RSS feed automatically and import your blog posts as "notes".
7) Set up a Fan Page or Group to support your business. A "Page" allows you to recruit fans and post information about your company:
If you’re an official representative for your company or brand, use this tool and link to it from your website or blog.
A "Group" allows you to connect with like-minded individuals:
If you have a particular interest or focus, use the Groups to find others interested in the same things. Or, start your own group.
To find my group or my page, type "A Successful Woman" in the Search bar at the top of any Facebook window.
I publish more of these notes through those channels, so you’re welcome to share and learn through there.
You can purchase Monica’s book "Fifty-one Ways to Build your Community of Clients Online" at