To become an expert in your field, you are going to have to do some research.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars on coaches, trainings, and university classes, all to discover that my biggest problem was getting real with ME! Here’s what I mean.
There is a way to serve your clients better and to have that cash windfall that you are looking for.
One of the biggest assets you have is your personality. Yes, you have to learn how to market, but your marketing needs to represent YOU as the business owner.
For example: If you are an MLM salesperson and your product is vitamins, the worst thing in the world for you to do is to market your product constantly. People DO NOT WANT TO BE SOLD! They want to be loved.
Think about it. When you meet someone who shoves their products or services down your throat, it feels disgusting. Even if you want the product they are selling, often you’ll just walk away.
I had this situation recently with buying a car. The salesman was so pushy, so over the top bull-kaka, that I was seconds from walking away. In fact, his hype was so far from the truth that when it came time to sign the paperwork, there was a straight-out lie in it.
The funny thing is that the car salesman actually came up to me and said, “You hate me, don’t you?”
Remember this! You don’t have to PUSH to get people to buy. We are in an online culture where buyers are savvy, and they want to feel taken care of. They want to know that you’ve heard them and that what you are giving is something that they need.
Selling isn’t a bad word, but SERVING will build you a loyal tribe of buyers!
Four Ways to Serve Your Clients Better:
#1 Ask them what they want!
Too many people create products and services based on what they want. In my opinion, that’s very self-serving. What would it look like if you took your skills and served your clients EXACTLY what THEY wanted?
I’ll tell you what would happen. You would be SOLD OUT all the time.
Survey your buyer and ask them specifically what they want in the area that you want to give in. For example, if you are a shoe designer and you have a calling to create a new high-heel shoe for a woman, then ask women what problems they have with high heels currently, and SOLVE their problems.
You can do this in any field.
- Creating information products
- Coaching/ consulting packages
- Clothing lines
- Weight loss programs
- And on and on
#2 Write copy that speaks their mind!
Gosh, I wish that someone had explained this to me when I was getting started. Writing sales copy (or any written material) to benefit your ideal client is critical to your success.
Too many people have great products and services, but they are still speaking from their own perspective. Now, it’s important to have your point of view to be hugely successful; however, you need to communicate it in a way that your clients can hear you.
Speak what they are saying in their minds (not what you think they should know). There is a big difference. One approach is very elitist and the other is being a servant to your client.
#3 Customer service will win every time.
Take care of your customer and BE THERE for them. Have a great guarantee that makes working with you perfectly safe. People love to know that there is little or no risk when getting into an agreement.
Sometimes that means that you put yourself out there to be taken advantage of. What we’ve found is that you will make more sales to make up for the few crooks who will take advantage of you. The win far outweighs the loss. It’s a good strategy, so try it before you knock it!
#4 Create written agreements if you are a consultant.
Written agreements allow both parties to be on the same page with the direction you are going. We’ve found that, since we’ve started asking our clients to sign contracts with us, that we all feel more compelled to stick it out during tough times.
I hope that this article served you EXACTLY where you needed it to.
Please feel free to let me know what’s on your mind in the COMMENT box below. I read each comment and really appreciate hearing from you.
True! #2 — I spend hours talking to my clients about shifting their perspective.
#4 — The one or two times I figure this isn’t needed is absolutely when I get bitten in the you-know-where!
Excellent points!