Google search is extremely powerful, but most people don’t know how to fully leverage that power. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or anyone trying to increase search traffic to a website or web page, getting a better understanding of Google search operators can help you reach your goals.
To make things easier for people who aren’t Google operators experts, Wpromote put together in infographic that you can use as a Google search cheat sheet.
The infographic (shown below) includes explanations of many useful search operators that the team at Wpromote uses every day as well as some real world business examples to help you understand how to integrate the various operators into your marketing efforts.
Presented By Wpromote
Hat tip to Warren Whitlock of Profitable Social Media for putting this infographic on my radar screen.
Great infographics! This is the type of info that I would like myself to be aware of! Will surely be back for more.
Here is one of the most helpful, insightful, and immediately useful posts I have read. While some of the most amazing tools are right at our fingertips–you once again–are the one who teaches me when the tools are accessible and you are the one I believe, trust, and learn from more than anyone in the wild west of marketing.
Thank you so much!
Jim, I’m so glad it was helpful to you. Wpromote did a really nice job with this infographic!