Stay out of the stress trap and stay healthy!
Entrepreneurs undergo huge amounts of stress that can cause unhealthy habits and just over all feeling like crap.Here are some tips to help you avoid the stress trap so you can keep doing what you do and excel at it:
1. You time! We have talked about scheduling before and making sure you use your calendars efficiently, and schedule in everything but, don’t forget to schedule time for you YOU!!! It doesn’t matter if you have an office or work at home, you need to make sure you put time in there for you, do something you love…find a hobby and make it happen! EVERY SINGLE DAY! Now i know…there are moms out there, and i know you are saying “I’m lucky if i even get to pee by myself” I know this because I am one. I am telling you it is possible even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom for 15 min and read….it is possible!
2. Wake up earlier. I know…it sucks, but its true, don’t start your day on a run. Get up earlier and give yourself an extra hour or two where you do not have to answer emails or start work, or get anyone else ready….just time to sit, have that cup of coffee, look at your calendar, plan your day, make your lists and think through everything so that when you start work, you have a clear head and a plan on how you are tackling that day.
3. Exercise. I know another one no one likes to hear but its true, this keeps your brain healthy as well as your body. Take a walk for 20 min, jumping jacks, walk in place…i don’t care what it is but just get yourself moving for 20-30 min every day. This will help your mind and help keep off those extra pounds if you are a stress eater 🙂
4. Work ends at the end of your work day. Even if you work at home, you should have work hours set for yourself. When your work day is over, its over…that is the end of discussion. No checking emails, or messaging on Skype, etc. You need to leave work at work…even if work is your kitchen table. There is a shut off time and that’s when you go home for the day. This will keep everyone at home happy, it will keep you more focused as well. If you know when you are “scheduled” to be at work, you will focus your time and efforts better so you can get more accomplished. It will also allow for your to get your “you time” from #1 easier 😉
These are just a few ideas, there are tons more, but these have been the most helpful in my own life as a work at home entrepreneur and I think have helped my career and my home life flourish.
Take control of your life, your health and your career…keep yourself healthy so you can continue to rule the world.
Thank you Ashley. These are tips we all know but don’t necessarily live up to so thanks for calling them to our attention again. I believe in the phrase “put your own gas mask on first!”
very much agree,but I find we have to constantly remind ourselves of this 🙂
Thank you for this article, Ashley! I am notorious for neglecting myself and getting caught up in work. I constantly have to remind myself that my health and well-being come before work. Your article reminded me just how important it is to not let the stress take over and to take care of myself. I look forward to reading more of your articles!