The complexity of branding can be confusing when you come from the perspective that your brand is all about you, it is and it is not. Being a modern day figure in the marketplace of female empowerment leader and spiritual innovator leads one to believe that my life is my message, my image is my brand, my ideas are what the public is searching and looking for, if I come from that singular identity, then I am way off track.
When I ask the question, “who am I serving and what are their needs?” then I can take my brand image and be innovative and engaging, adding more value to servicing the needs of female entrepreneurs globally. Innovative branding for female entrepreneurs encompasses a much larger and integrative arena than what most women would think or believe. First, we look at the core values and needs of today’s female entrepreneur with her multidisciplinary lifestyle, personal and spiritual desires, financial goals and simplistic nurturing side that asks to be fulfilled on a daily basis, does this all come into play when creating an innovative brand for yourself and business, you bet!
Here is an example, if you are looking to hire a new team member, what particular steps do you go through? Do you ask for referrals and then follow up? Or, do you go searching in your marketplace to see who has been hired on and within what structure or company of employment has she already played a part? For the innovative thinker, you would simply ask for a portfolio of recent clients and see her work, ask for a sample of what she would bring to your market, your copy and your brand. Dig deep in unveiling what the future would look like with future team members by seeking out the most qualified individual to your needs and branding, everyone is different in how they position themselves. You definitely do not want to hire someone who has been with corporations for the last 20+ years when you are a design firm based on artistic expression, she would be lost with so much personal expression and freedom given, the same holds true for mindset. Always make sure that you ideas for branding yourself and business come from an innovative space that exemplifies your core values, from here, you will attract the perfect and ideal clients that experience your brand as it is, unique and personal.
Innovative branding is simple when you take out the complexity of personal needs and focus on the needs of the marketplace, yet, keep your own individual spark intact. If you love flowers, yellow and NY city at night, then put that into your branding, other people will recognize your unique quality of personal touch and will identify with it as your signature in the marketplace.