Your relationship as a board candidate can start with recruiters on a phone call, over a lunch or you may be called into a face-to-face meeting for an active director search. It is important to remember that how you present yourself will be viewed as how you will behave in the boardroom.
Keep in mind that those getting to know you are looking at both your professional background and your ability to be engaged but not too engaged in the boardroom. In general, come to these meetings with an open and credible style.
A few things I have experienced when conducting candidate interviews for board seats and would suggest you take note of as you prepare to meet a recruiter are as follows:
1. Too much self-referral can be taken as a big ego. Talk about your team and how others helped you to reach your goals. Include comments on corporate diplomacy and how you received guidance throughout your career.
2. Too much talking on your part can be seen as overly stating your expertise. Seek a balanced back and forth in the conversation.
3. Too much discourse about compliance topics can be interpreted as lack of judgment ability. Combine your emphasis to include both compliance and in-the-trenches decision-making scenarios.
nice interview tips for job seekers,thanks for sharing