I first started following Erica Ross-Krieger after I read her book, “Seven Sacred Attitudes® — How to Live in the Richness of the Moment”
She is a “wellness coach” http://www.wellnesscoach.com and she works with entrepreneurs who choose to keep their health a priority in the midst of their busy lives.
Women in business often work so hard and we sometimes forget to take care of our health: taking time to care for and renew our bodies, minds, and spirits is so important.
When your mental, physical, and spiritual strengths in place, you are able to help your business grow. You come up with new ideas, you foster healthy relationships, and you model healthy behavior for those around you.
Here are my top 10 wellness tips:
10. Put down the candy bar!
9. Go for a refreshing walk around the block.
8. Drink water.
7. Take time to stretch every day: limber up and be flexible.
6. Choose organic veggies, whole grains and fruit.
5. Hug your loved ones.
4. Do one thing to take care of yourself every day: schedule it as an appointment with yourself.
3. Smile: you can actually change your mood by smiling more often.
2. Sleep at least 8 hours every night.
1. Increase activities and relationships that help you feel healthier, more alert, and more vibrant.
What are your ideas for tips for busy women entrepreneurs, managers, and workers?