One of the things I love about networking is the creative ways different groups have you interact with each other.
For example, a group that I’ve been attending has started implementing what’s called the “One to One”. Here’s how it works. Everyone puts their business card into a basket. Then each person pulls out a card. The card you pulled out is the person you will have a one to one with.
What Exactly is a One to One?
It’s where the two of you get together in person or on the phone and discuss your business.
Let me clarify a little about this session the two of you have. The person who draws your name is giving you help and advice. Someone else will pull their card and give them the help or advice they need. This is about getting each individual advice, tips, and suggestions for any of the challenges they might be having.
This strategy is brilliant for several reasons:
1. You get the knowledge and expertise of another business owner.
It’s always nice to be able to get a different set of eyes looking at your business. Let’s face it, sometimes we are so involved in our business that we don’t see the obvious.
2. You are getting to know the other business owner on a more intimate level.
I’ve had discussions with many work at home moms and the one thing they crave is outside interaction. Participating in networking groups is one way to avoid the feeling of isolation.
Now, imagine going to a networking event and getting the opportunity to have a one to one with someone else. Maybe you struggle with getting organized. They might have helpful suggestions that can get you on track.
3. You get to share the knowledge that you have with someone who’s going to appreciate your taking the time out of your busy schedule.
We live in a fast paced world and to be able to give back to someone without the thought of “what can they do for me” is a rewarding feeling.
Networking is about making connections. It’s about building business relationships. It’s not about how many business cards can you come home with. In order to make these one to ones work each person has to have a commitment to following through by getting in touch with you.
The person that was supposed to connect with me never called. That’s fine because you know what I did? I went to the website of one of the business owners at my table. I contacted her after going through her site and asked if she’d like me to share what my website review found. Keep in mind, I charge for this, but since I really wanted to work with this one to one theory, I did it for free.
What was the result? She was thrilled! The suggestions I gave her with regard to her blog and making her website a lead generating machine were exactly what she needed. In fact, she’s so happy with the results that we are getting together so she can give me a video testimonial! To me that’s priceless. To have someone else say the benefits they received from working with me is social proof of what I can do. It’s also enjoyable to see someone who is more than eager to take the suggestions you give and then implement them.
I was watching Restaurant Impossible the other day, and Robert was telling the business owner what they needed to do. Finally he said, “ All you are doing is saying ‘yes’ to me but you aren’t doing anything!” Robert is there to help their failing restaurant. It’s failing for many reasons. Imagine not taking his advice?
When it comes to networking, believe me, I know at times the hardest door to get through is your own front door. You can make all kinds of excuses for not networking, but the bottom line is, you will benefit greatly when you do so. Make the decision to start attending networking groups. Just think of the missed opportunity if I didn’t go to this particular network meeting.
What’s another creative way to network? I’ll share that in my next post.
Hi Toni,
Thank you for this fantastic article. I like the idea of the business cards being pulled and networking one on one to provide support and help to the name pulled. It helps to break the ice and develop relationship that might have otherwise not been. Thanks again!