This is a wish for all of us – female, male, young, old, every color and part of the planet. Let’s include the animals, trees, and every living thing.
Women are the leaders in partnership thinking; we learn it from the very beginning of our journey from womb to tomb. We are hard-wired to think about systems and how they fit together. We are internally programmed every month from adolescence to elder years to understand the ebb and flow of life, from the ebb and flow of the months. Each month we are somehow aligned with the moon as we menstruate and continually let go of old matter to make way for the new.
Whether we choose to have biological children or not, we are truly “in the flow” of what nature has prepared for us, to continue to nurture our species. In this decade, where there are so many polarities, so many who stand for right and wrong without even attempting to find a middle ground, it is up to us, the women, to lead the way to partnership.
No, this is not an easy position. It takes real leadership to say “Let’s find another way, a way that will honor all sides”. I do believe we can start with our primary partners, and begin a dialogue that will enhance ourselves and the next generations to come.
The dialogue is what women know – that all things are connected and no one wins unless we all do. This thinking is so basic to our very nature and it is time to take a strong stand that we can, with good will, work together to make real and sustainable change happen on this war-torn and bruised planet.
It’s about you, it’s about me, it’s about time!
Yes, Yes!
How do we start having the conversation?
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Agree! Women need each other. This is a discussion that is often had by me and others in my network. I have always had a passion to empower,highlight, and bring women together.
How do we start having the conversation? We start by caring about each other. Simple. Really caring about the roles that we have. Seeking out women in business for things that we need. Collaboration. Referring each other. Supporting each other, even if in the same industry.
I shared this blog post on my Facebook page. Received many of responses.