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The usefulness of an attendance system often extends well beyond simply tracking the ins and outs of employee clock times. Time attendance system software often offers various features that can help save you time, which in turn, saves your business money. Getting a handle on planning your work week has never been easier or quicker.
Following are some of this software’s key features:
Time attendance system software is often connected to automated scheduling procedures.Templates are available for standard and non-standard work weeks.
The most efficient software programs automatically balance full-time, part-time, and contract workers according to specified parameters. They can also be set to monitor specific stipulations, such as overtime caps and other time-based regulations.
Calendar Integration
Planning around every employee’s hectic schedule will only waste more time in the long run — time that could have been spent getting work done. Having a dedicated calendar that is shared with all employees limits this chaos and warns you of upcoming circumstances.
Calendars can be used as templates to delegate projects. Communicating assigned responsibilities and due dates on a clear timeline not only makes planning more efficient, it also cuts down on the need for time-consuming redrafts.
Your yearly calendar will also automatically inform you of special planning considerations while you’re creating your weekly schedules. This will give you advance notice on the need to staff up or down depending on holidays, year-end pushes, or new product roll-outs, and it will keep you ahead of the workforce curve.
Project reminders within a calendar can also be broken down into chronological tasks. This will limit any needless confusion that may hold up the project. For example, you can set early alert notifications for licenses that will take two months to process. That way, you know not to start certain projects if they require that all workers be licensed.
Leave Management
Even a great plan can fail if employees fall ill or must take off for other reasons. Best practices for efficient recovery include getting the earliest notification possible and having a fast but simplified protocol for finding replacements as soon as possible. Employees who are able to report an illness or request leave through a mobile application tend to contact employers much more quickly than those who don’t.
Also, employers who need replacements can use mobile applications to contact employees or temp agencies looking for extra hours. Potential replacements can respond through the same application and be easily incorporated into the schedule.
Advanced Analytics
Long range planning requires you take stock of the ups and downs in labor force hours. However, you don’t need to pile up time cards to look at trends in absenteeism or late workers.
An excellent time attendance system software will crunch the numbers for you in minutes. Typically, this software will package the information in detailed statistics, easy to visualize graphics, or both. That way, you and your administrative team can catch any glaring issues and correct them immediately.
Bottom Line: Time Attendance System Software Keeps You from Wasting Time
Time attendance system software doesn’t just monitor time. It helps ensure that you’re making the most of every minute. Invest in the right program today to streamline your attendance processes.