This is a wish for all of us - female, male, young, old, every color and part of the planet. Let’s include the animals, trees, and every living thing. Women are the leaders in partnership thinking; we learn it from the very beginning of our journey from womb to tomb. We are hard-wired to think about systems and how they fit together. We are internally programmed every month … [Read more...]
How Far Should We Go?
Most women love to help, to rescue, to make what hurts all better. We have been programmed for centuries to be the caretaker. It is often a wonderful and powerful position…. most of the time. Except when you are so tired you can’t see straight and someone still wants something from you. Except when resources are limited and guilt keeps you at the end of the line till … [Read more...]
Without Walls
Honoring the 20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall tumbling down reminded me of the children’s nursery rhyme-- “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again” Curious verse; so here is my interpretation. When we fall and perhaps feel … [Read more...]
Women and Men: Is Partnership Really Possible?
This is such an exciting time of pattern busting. By that I mean the old ways are falling fast and furious. We are no longer willing to shove bad behavior under the rug. We are questioning old ways and questing for new ways. I believe the most fascinating and long overdue microscope is now being put more strongly on male-female relationships in a way that is neither … [Read more...]
Gender Stereotypes and Leadership Success
When power words are said we all have a fast reaction. There is an image that comes to mind depending upon what we learned in our families and cultures. So, take a moment and see in your mind’s eye a picture of the word “man”. Did you see a strong, muscular guy, perhaps wearing jeans and a fit to the skin tee shirt? Maybe it was a sophisticated type in a well tailored suit with … [Read more...]
Authentic Leadership
I was recently at the Pa. Governor’s Conference for Women with the theme of “rethink, resolve, renew”. It was a mighty meeting. There is nothing like thousands of women who are claiming their power to partner with their male counterparts in the world of work. One of the sessions was of exceptional interest to me. The theme was about enabling authentic leadership. That word, … [Read more...]
Movin’ on Up
In 1986, an article in The Wall Street Journal by Carol Hymowitz and Timothy Schellhardt first introduced the term Glass Ceiling. The illustration that accompanied the article showed a woman in a business suit pushing up against a glass barrier. After that article, the term Glass Ceiling caught on quickly as the metaphor for an impenetrable blockade that women face when … [Read more...]
Roller Coaster Happiness
The British Medical Journal reports that connecting with happy people improves one's happiness. We know from neuroscience that we all possess mirror neurons that pick up signals from those around us. So the mantra "Don't Worry, Be Happy" certainly makes sense. Except every time I check the news and see that people continue to lose their homes and jobs I find it hard to do a … [Read more...]
About Leading
I am delighted to be a newbie blogger for Women on Business. This site is filled with great ideas to help all of us climb even higher on our journey to excellence. I believe this is the time for us as women to bring our unique gifts and talents into every aspect of the workplace. We are masters of intuitively understanding that everything is connected and no one wins unless … [Read more...]
Lead Yourself to Success
I am often asked about my own corporate career path and how I made the successful transition from manager to executive. There is, of course, no one answer or formula for success. Everyone has their own story about how they navigated their way to the top. Some women may claim it’s luck; being in the right place at the right time. Some may say it took hard work and long hours. I … [Read more...]