Decision-making should not solely be a leader-centric activity. Facilitating decision-making should be. That means delegation and trust in your team members. But when appropriate decision-making falls on your shoulders as a leader, would you ever consider extending that same trust to your gut? Your instinct? Your intuition? Data-driven decision-making, engaged in through the … [Read more...]
Overlooked for a Merited Leadership Opportunity? Here’s How to Overcome the Rejection
I am curious why, if what her close aides and advisors said was true, Kamala Harris was reluctant to put her female identity as part of her presidential campaign when Hillary Clinton partly staked hers, when she ran, on being the first female president. I suppose the fact that some of Clinton's supporters were attacked as 'vag*** voters' and that she didn't succeed did not help … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Work Through the Ups and Downs of Entrepreneurship
Calling all women who have started solopreneurships or start up organizations! This post is for you. I see you. I see you on your best days. I see you out there hustling. I see you celebrating that proposal sent out, that funder who invested, that connection made, that step toward the vision YOU get to manifest. And I see you on your worst days. Maybe you had to fire your … [Read more...]
How Being a Single Solopreneur Teaches Us to Own Our Worth
It’s almost March. For many of us, that means we’ve braved through the red hearts, rom-coms, dinner out, and all the rest that comes with the month of Valentine’s Day. Whether we are in a relationship or not, our most important relationship is with ourselves. Nothing teaches us that more than being your own boss. As a “ShEO” (that’s female CEO if you haven’t been in the … [Read more...]
Have Female Leaders Dealt with the Pandemic Better Than Their Male Counterparts?
Throughout 2020, newspapers and media outlets were regularly sharing stories about how countries run by women were faring better than those run by men. In the UK, this was often in comparison to the way our predominantly male politicians were handling the pandemic. As restrictions worsened in the UK, we looked at Jacinda Arden leading in New Zealand and understandably, may … [Read more...]
Take Your Business from Dream Phase to Success Phase
So, you woke up one morning and decided you had had enough of the corporate world… Maybe you had a baby or two and you thought, “Hey, why not do my own thing so I can watch them grow up?” A noble thought indeed. Too many parents do not see their kids much as they are working so hard to provide a living for them. Great, well… It is time to begin. But instead of beginning, … [Read more...]
You’re the Bully
In leadership positions, we all find ourselves in situations where we have to take a difficult position and enforce it. The problem is when we enforce decisions with a dictator-esque style of leadership. A leaders creates a creative atmosphere and develops future leaders, if you have every uttered the line “not everyone is going to agree with or like my style of leadership”, … [Read more...]
What are we afraid of?
Small business owners this is a hard truth to admit, but in order to grow we have to be uncomfortable. So I will do it, I will incur the wrath of my small business brethren and ask ‘what are we scared of?’ I admit to being in a much different environment, federal contracting is a whole different beast but the fundamental principles are the same. Why are we scared to … [Read more...]
From the World Series to the Boardroom
On Wednesday night, the umpires in the World Series gave the business world a lesson in quality. If a call is the right call, it’s the right call. The call was new, upset some people and could still have repercussions but the spirit of the call was spot on. The umps did what all entrepreneurs should do and here is what I learned from the call. Confer with your colleagues This … [Read more...]
Business the Carmelo Anthony Way
Carmelo Anthony is supposedly toying with the idea of being a free agent, definitely a gutsy move for a Knicks player. Here’s why I think it’s the right move and how his thinking can help move your business to the next level. You have to assess your worth Carmelo likened his choice to an evaluation exercise. While this may not make sense to some, for me it’s a brilliant … [Read more...]