Regardless of what line of work you’re in, it seems like most business owners today have a similar daily routine: Coffee first, everything else second. Then, whenever possible, comes meditation or personal quiet time. Let’s of course fit in some work-out, or at least a solid attempt at one. A healthy breakfast is the natural next step. After all this, we’ll do a quick dive into … [Read more...]
Struggling to Engage Employees? Here are 10 Ways to Engage
With all of today’s distractions, are you finding it difficult to engage employees at work? You’re not alone. Gallup’s Workforce Survey regularly finds that "[t]he majority of the U.S. workforce (51%) is not engaged. These employees are indifferent and neither like nor dislike their job.” Yet, as their leader, you want to engage employees to positively affect the … [Read more...]
Are You an Idealist or Pragmatic Leader?
In general, business leaders can be split into two distinct groups based on their strategic thinking patterns. Most leaders are either pragmatics or idealists. Yes, they might walk a fine line between the two, but ultimately, one will always be more dominant than the other. Idealist vs. Pragmatic Leaders Idealist leaders are visionary thinkers. They focus on the big ideas and … [Read more...]
Do You Have the Mind of an Effective Manager?
An effective manager is capable of leading a team of diverse people to reach a set of goals. In business, those goals change often, and keeping teams motivated to achieve them is extremely challenging. The reason isn't rocket science. Adults have their own reasons for showing up to work each day, and their individual goals don't always align with the goals of an executive … [Read more...]
2 Phrases that Kill Any Business
There are many ways to kill a business. Lack of strategy, poor execution, and the wrong team could lead any business down a path of failure, but did you know there are two very specific phrases that can kill any business, including yours? Whether you or an employee has said one of these phrases out loud or simply allowed them to enter your thoughts, they can spell impending … [Read more...]
10 Ways Women in Business Can Boost Results Today
Sometimes you need a reminder to invest in yourself, and there is no better time to do it than right now. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of work and life and forget to take care of yourself. Believe it or not, making just one easy change today can boost your results in your career and and your business. The key is to not think of personal investment … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Be a Better Leader
Being a leader in business can be trying. From deadlines to human resource difficulties, leaders take a lot on, especially women. We tend to question ourselves and our confidence as leaders. But what if I told you that being a more confident leader is simple? What if I told you that taking your team or your business to the next level through strong leadership is already within … [Read more...]
The 2nd Biggest Leap You’ll Ever Take in Your Business
I have owned and operated my business for over sixteen years and I now find myself at that pivotal juncture where it’s time to step back – way back – and fully immerse myself in working ON the business as opposed to IN it. You hear a lot these days about the “art of letting go,” but if you’re anything like me, it’s more of a daily struggle than an art. As with most new … [Read more...]
What Does Piano Teaching Have to Do with Business?
My years teaching piano privately have taught me many interesting and surprising things -- none more important than the unique perspective on being a manager in a business setting. One of my fundamental beliefs is that anyone can learn music. While you probably won’t be the next Mozart if you’re in your thirties and have never tried to play an instrument before, it doesn’t … [Read more...]
Tomorrow’s Business Women are Trained on the Field
Moments of reflection can hit you when you least expect them. It was 2015, and I was standing in the Canyon Of Heroes, watching the US Women’s Soccer team celebrate their World Cup victory -- the first parade New York had ever held for a women’s sports team. As I stood there, with immense pride, it hit me that we would never have experienced this celebration were it not for the … [Read more...]