Guest post by Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D. (you can learn more about Heidi at the end of this post) Successful women know only too well that in any male-dominated profession, we often find ourselves at a distinct disadvantage. We are routinely underestimated, underutilized, and even underpaid. Studies show that women need to perform at extraordinarily high levels, just to … [Read more...]
It’s Time to Take Off Your Mask
Don’t you love Halloween? It’s not just because of the sweet treats. It’s so much fun to dress up in costume and take on the identity of someone or something else for the day. The holiday festivities give us an excuse to put on a mask and adopt a new persona. Perhaps we choose to be someone funny, or maybe we become a scary monster. Maybe we don some sexy clothing that’s … [Read more...]
The Vulnerable Leader
The definition of being vulnerable is to be open to criticism or moral attack; to be susceptible to being wounded or hurt. I think it goes without saying that most people do not choose to be in a position where they could be easily hurt or criticized. Most of us, in fact, avoid any situation where we could potentially be exposed to this type of scrutiny or risk. Our … [Read more...]
Is Perfectionism Sabotaging Your Career?
It’s absolutely impossible to be perfect. I think on some level we all know this is true. So I think it’s very interesting that many of us live our lives pursuing perfection. Think about it. How much of your own life is spent trying to be perfect? How much emotional energy do you invest in perfectionism even though you realize it’s not possible to achieve? And, what … [Read more...]
Your Time to Blossom is Now
I liken this time in my life, in your life, in our lives to the Lotus flower whose seed is planted deep in the bottom of a pool of muddy water; and through stormy and calm seasons has fought its way to the surface. As it grows from its root it pushes onward and upward toward the light. And just after it breaks the waters’ surface it blooms into the most beautiful, vibrant … [Read more...]
How Much Portable Power Do You Have?
Last week, I interviewed five time CEO and author Margaret Heffernan on Head over Heels Radio. Our discussion covered many interesting topics relative to women and business, but one that really got my attention was what Margaret refers to as “portable power”. Portable power according to Heffernan is unique to each person. It is the sum total of your skills and … [Read more...]
Work Drama Mimics Family Drama
“Can you believe it?” said the frustrated voice on the other end of the line. .. “She did it again!” the voice was getting louder. “I think it may be time for me to quit, I can never please her.” This was the essence of the frantic phone call from one of my coaching clients. “Real life is much more intriguing than fiction” was my thought as I began to dig into the drama … [Read more...]
How Much of Your Identity is Based on Your Job?
When we lose our job, it can be devastating. Very often it means a dramatic change in income. Our daily routine suddenly changes, and we are left with a tremendous void. After all, most of our waking hours are spent at work. How do we fill the time? All this is true, but I think the loss of a job means more to us on a much deeper level. In my recent interview with … [Read more...]
Does it Work to Fake it until You Make it?
Do you know that low self-esteem can sabotage your career success? In a recent article in Forbes Woman, author Laura Sinberg states that people with low self-esteem often unconsciously sabotage their careers. Sinberg quotes Lois Frankel, PhD, author of Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office. People with low self-esteem often try to remain under the radar screen because they … [Read more...]
How Do You React When Someone Upsets You?
Last week I attended a Board meeting for a local non profit organization and before the meeting officially started, we were having a casual conversation when a colleague of mine made the comment that someone’s “nose was out of joint” because of a certain interaction that had occurred earlier in the week. That got me thinking. What was the origin of this idiom and what … [Read more...]