Overcoming your need for perfectionism is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. I can tell you now that I wish I had someone back then to help me get out of my head and concentrate on the more essential tasks. When you spend hours trying to perfect one thing, you stop yourself from getting your work done and achieving your goals. It took me forever to … [Read more...]
The Unexpected Outcomes of Workplace Crying
Yesterday, I made what I originally thought was an egregious mistake – I fell to tears in front of my manager when he asked me how I was doing. And as soon as it began, the sob fest became unrelenting because with each response and explanation, new tears welled up despite my effort to control them. Now mind you, I wasn’t sobbing uncontrollably – many of you may know what … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Women Entrepreneurs
Throughout my years in business, I’ve made plenty of “mistakes” — although I firmly believe there are no mistakes, only learning experiences. I’ve also picked up a few tips along the way. They’ve helped me to succeed both in founding and running several successful businesses, and also in my pursuit of a meaningful life. 1. Get out of the Waiting Place Building something … [Read more...]
More Than a Movie: Is Your Bucket List Current and in Print?
My perception has changed. Once upon a time, I viewed bucket lists as action items that should require my attention before departing from this world. Travel destinations. The Northern Lights. Sky diving. Swimming with the dolphins. (Now, I'm beginning to sound more like an online dating application - haha!) The truth of the matter is buckets lists should be taken more … [Read more...]
How to Deal with Being the Only Woman in the Room
As women over the years achieved more and more success in male dominated worlds, it has become more common that they face the associated challenge; that of being the only woman in the room or the team. This can present challenges around getting yourself heard. As a young woman in a senior position, I have certainly experienced this on many occasions. While sometimes the … [Read more...]
Getting Back on Track
Wherever you are reading this, it's likely you have spent the better part of the last year in some kind of lockdown. And no matter what you do, it's likely that your career has been affected in some way. For many of us, our work and our lives seem to be (slowly, maybe) getting back on track. But, things still feel different, don't they? We've collectively experienced … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Tame Imposter Syndrome
You know that everyone has imposter syndrome. But they’re not like you, the real imposter… This hilarious line, which has been circulating the internet for a few years, sums up what it’s like to be a human being who’s suffered from imposter syndrome. On my podcast, I ask each woman I interview what they are still insecure about, and imposter syndrome is one of the … [Read more...]
The Fine Line Between Confidence and Arrogance
What is the fine line between confidence and arrogance? I've heard this question asked a number of times throughout my life. I was encouraged as a young girl to stay silent while allowing others to accentuate my positives. There was a fear that arrogance would overshadow humility when accolades came my way. As a result, this impacted my own confidence level into early adulthood … [Read more...]
5 Quick Tips to Be More Confident at Work
It is regularly reported that women lack confidence in the workplace, in alarmingly higher rates than their male counterparts. In fact, research by My Confidence Matters reported that 79% of women regularly lack confidence at work. This is a trend that seems to exist across all levels of seniority, with 75% of women executives reporting that they have experienced imposter … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Stay Positive at Work
With the year we have had in 2020, many businesses have had to pivot and move their operations online with employees working from home, and it shows. Zoom saw a huge increase in subscribers and revenue because of the impact the pandemic had on businesses. So perhaps you may have had to do a few online meetings and presentations of late. Tell me, were the faces you saw either … [Read more...]