Strategic networking can be quite time consuming and requires commitment to attend various gatherings. Often, this marketing activity isn’t even at the top of women professionals' to-do lists. With a crowded set of appointments on the calendar, adding a networking event at the end of a grueling day with strangers somehow loses its appeal. Yet, strategic networking can be a … [Read more...]
How to Build a Success Mindset
Do you know the real secret to business success? As a business mentor, I am always having conversations with women about their dreams to start a business. I love hearing all of their amazing ideas, and many of the women I speak with have done an impressive amount of research. But, when planning what they need to get their businesses up and running, I’ve found that they … [Read more...]
10 Ways Women in Business Can Boost Results Today
Sometimes you need a reminder to invest in yourself, and there is no better time to do it than right now. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of work and life and forget to take care of yourself. Believe it or not, making just one easy change today can boost your results in your career and and your business. The key is to not think of personal investment … [Read more...]
Building Your Capacity to Take on What’s Next
Life is busy. It constantly seems like there is more to do than hours in the day. In an always on world, it's easy to run right by the signals telling us to recharge, until we're running on nothing but fumes. Once we’ve reached the end of our energy reserves, we quickly understand that it will take quite a while to refill the tank. Consider these nine things to maintain your … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Learn and Grow Your Career for Free
Learning doesn’t stop when you get out of school — you never graduate from the School of Life. Exploring the world and yourself by learning new skills is a part of what it means to live a full life, and learning the right skills also grows your career. However, that doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars to learn how to do spreadsheets, develop apps, or make … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Be So Good You Can’t Be Ignored
All my life, I've lived by a simple mantra: "Be so good you can't be ignored." Even as a young girl in India, I was keenly aware of gender discrimination. I learned early on that women must work twice as hard as men to gain recognition and opportunities. But thanks to those seven words, which my mother all but infused into my DNA, I never doubted my abilities. I just had to … [Read more...]
3 Steps of Brand Building and Why Social Media Matters to Your Personal Brand
Personal branding is absolutely essential today. Research has shown repeatedly that the first place potential employers look to learn about you (after reading your resume) is the internet. Your profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and so on all offer a glimpse into who you are as an employee and where you're heading in your career. With that in mind, you need to … [Read more...]
How Social Relationships Impact Professional Success
Do you remember when you were young how simple it was to find a best friend? I remember around the 3rd or 4th grade – my teacher randomly assigned me a seat behind a girl in class whose name was also Denise. Naturally, it was love at first name. Of course, that was then, and now we’re all grown up. As adults, there is a lot more that goes into deciding who we’ll let … [Read more...]
How to Achieve Peak Performance – Business Lessons from a Baseball Mom
My son has been playing travel baseball for nine years, and throughout those nine years, I have learned some valuable lessons: An eight a.m. baseball game in a state outside my own is the perfect alternative to the average family vacation. Life is far too short to waste precious time scrubbing stains out of white uniform pants. The True meaning behind “heads up!” is … [Read more...]
Essential Tips to Deliver an Extraordinary Presentation
Public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice and commitment towards perfection. Here are a few important aspects that are quite essential for delivering an extraordinary presentation in front of a live audience. First, the presentation should start with a bang. It can be anything from a shocking fact to an unexpected finding from a recent study … [Read more...]