I’m afraid of rejection. The idea of putting myself out there, sharing my opinions and experiences for the world to judge, is terrifying. And yet, I do it. I am opening myself up to scrutiny right here, right now. A friend and business connection recently asked me, "How do you do it?" after learning I am now contributing content for Women on Business. Meaning, how do … [Read more...]
Say What You Really Think and Transform Your Life
Saying what you really think is, in my experience, much easier said than done. I have amazing women in my professional and personal circles who don’t seem to struggle with this, and I am in awe of them. If a thought enters their head, they say it. This doesn’t mean they are rude or abrupt; quite the opposite. They are kind and diplomatic and powerful. But they don’t hold their … [Read more...]
How to Conquer Negative Self Talk (And Why You Must)
The scenario may be familiar to you. Your best friend has had an awful day. Her boss yelled at her, her kids won’t stop squabbling, and she feels fat. She calls to vent it out with you. She confesses that she feels stretched thin, that she’s doing a lot of things badly, and that all she wants to do is lie down on the floor and go to sleep. What do you say to her? You likely … [Read more...]
5 Success Tips for Introvert Women
Sponsored by Influence.co: Being an introvert in a society flooded with extroverts isn't easy, particularly for women in this male-dominated society. Although introvert women are often ignored or overlooked, most of the time, the best performers are introverts. However, society, which belongs to the extroverts who are the center of the spotlight, always sends negative … [Read more...]
Your Defense Mechanisms Could Sabotage Your Career
According to Sigmund Freud and many psychologists since Freud's time, human beings use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from negative feelings such as anxiety and guilt when we feel threatened in some way. They're not bad in and of themselves, but defense mechanisms can be destructive in life and sabotage your career if you use them at the wrong time or overuse … [Read more...]
Women, Business and Tech: What We Need To Do Now
Tech dominates our business lives now; if we don’t master it, we will be at the mercy of those who have - including our competitors. Decades in the tech industry have taught me a few lessons that might be helpful. I’ve been rubbing elbows with tech guys since I started selling machine shop tools at 17, for a Pratt & Whitney distributor, who proudly told me that I was the … [Read more...]
What is Your Emotional Intelligence Level? Take the Infographic Quiz
How emotionally intelligent are you? The answer could affect not just your personal life but also, your career. Emotional intelligence includes three things: Your ability to use your emotions to solve problems or complete tasks Your ability to understand small or large differences in emotions and perceive emotions in others Your ability to control your emotions and … [Read more...]
3 Ways Personal Branding Helps You Claim Your Personal Power
Personal branding is an exercise in packaging what you do in a way that resonates with others. It shows off your expertise and capabilities in a memorable way so you get hired and promoted. Personal branding is an essential building block of a successful career, whether you are a woman climbing the corporate ladder or you're building a business of your own. And while personal … [Read more...]
4 Things Extremely Successful People Do over Holiday Breaks
Extremely successful people understand this phrase inside and out: Time is our most valuable asset. You can be the richest person in the world and still not have the financial power to manipulate time. That's why you have to be very intentional with your time - even during holiday breaks when you don't want to look at another Excel spreadsheet. For those overachievers who … [Read more...]
4 Non-traditional New Year Goals that Can Transform Your Career
You’ve had the same goals on your list for the last five years. BORING. Are you making the progress that you desire? It’s time to spice up your list of new year goals with activities that help you tap into your potential. Here are four non-traditional New Year goals that probably weren’t on your list last year — but if you try them this year, they are guaranteed to take your … [Read more...]