If you thought the handshake was just a customary way of greeting someone, think again. There is more to a handshake than the verbal interaction that takes place during the meeting of hands. The concept of a handshake dates back at least as far as Ancient Greece, when shaking hands was more socially acceptable than bowing or curtseying. Shaking hands was a way for both … [Read more...]
5 Habits that Leave You Personally Unfulfilled
When you're a hardworking business owner, it's easy to spend so much time on work that you're unaware of the root causes of why your personal life may be falling flat. We all want to experience personal fulfillment on a regular basis, but there are ways that we unconsciously sabotage ourselves. Here are five common habits that undercut our efforts to attain fulfillment: 1. … [Read more...]
What Every Career Woman Can Learn From Miss America
If you have never competed in a pageant before, you may have no idea the amount of time, discipline, and ambition that is needed to successfully position yourself as a quality contestant for the title of Miss America. High heels, swimsuits, perfectly sculpted hair, and celebrity-enhanced makeup may even force you to question the relevance of pageants in the new millennium. … [Read more...]
3 Ways To Boost Your Confidence Before Starting Your Day
What does it take to speak up in a meeting when you are the only woman at the table? How about asking your company to invest in that professional development activity that you know will give you an edge in your career? If you need to work from home once a month, are you willing to express that need? An extra boost of confidence can give you the courage to do the things that … [Read more...]
Stop. Drop. Innovate. 3 Steps to Entrepreneurial Innovation
Yale University is teaching innovation. The Yale Entrepreneurial Institute launched programs that connect students with opportunities for social entrepreneurship. The discipline of innovation is not new - Adam Smith in his 1776 "The Wealth of Nations" posits the division of labor fuels innovation. What can you do as an entrepreneur to lead the charge and innovate within your … [Read more...]
How Etch A Sketch Helps Creativity
Today, with all the tablets, phones, and electronic devices, you might think children have it better than we did growing up. I don’t know about you, but I loved playing with the Etch A Sketch. I made all kinds of designs and spent hours playing with it. What I didn’t realize back then was that I was using my creativity. This “device” was helping me broaden my … [Read more...]
You Have to Get Lost Before You Can Be Found
How I went from having a dead end job and hating my life to successfully launching a company and finding happiness... Have you ever heard the saying, "You have to get lost before you can be found?" Yeah, I thought that was crap too. But that's exactly what happened to me. I was lost. Like… crying in my car, banging my head against the steering wheel, clinging to a fortune … [Read more...]
2 Reasons to Be Glad You’re a ‘Broad’
Actress Jessica Alba became an entrepreneur by co-founding a company that made $150 million in revenue last year. Lawyer Marci Alboher leveraged her successful career to become an author and life coach. Nowadays, more and more women are making these types of broad career shifts. And in becoming “broads,” they affirm their statuses as successful businesswomen and reap many … [Read more...]
7 Ways a Hobby Can Advance Your Career
Do you have hobbies? Some people pack their off-work hours with extracurricular activities, while others wonder if binge-watching the latest TV show counts as a hobby. Whatever you enjoy doing with your leisure time, you may not have considered the impact hobbies can have on your career. There are many ways the activities you love can contribute to and advance your … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Luck
There I was---thrilled to get my very first college acceptance letter. I couldn’t believe I had gotten into the musical theater program at University of Michigan! All my life, I had dreamed of pursuing a career in theater, on Broadway, in every musical possible---and this was my golden ticket! I had worked so hard all of my life for this and felt that at 18, everything had … [Read more...]