I think we all know that one person who will go out their way to please others. They don’t want to raise conflict. They avoid disagreeing with colleagues because they want to be approved of, and they seem to constantly put others ahead of themselves. Perhaps we might even be guilty of it ourselves at times? In my experience from coaching, this is a common theme with women. … [Read more...]
3 Tips To Set Your Mind For Success
Building a business is darned hard work! A lot of people are not actually ready to do that work. They play around learning all about the tips, tricks, strategies and then they do absolutely nothing with the information or more than likely, they do not do enough with the information! And then they turn around and blame the provider of the information or they say it does not … [Read more...]
Establishing Goals that Balance Stretch and Reality
There have been plenty of articles, books, and training materials written about how to effectively establish goals that allow you to chart a course for success. One aspect that I find missing from this recipe is often the importance of understanding your core feelings about the goals you set and understanding how these feelings can influence the types of goals that are most … [Read more...]
Are You too Hard on Yourself?
At the beginning of the year, I like to type out my game plan for the year. As time goes on, I can go back to that list and see how I’m doing. The other day I was thinking about something I wanted to get done. As I was looking through my files, I found my folder with the game plan. I hesitated to open it thinking maybe I hadn’t gotten nearly enough done on that … [Read more...]
Why Embracing Personal Values is Important
The personal values that we hold most dear to us are foundational in understanding why we make the decisions we make. Identifying our personal values become the foundation upon which we construct the chapters of our lives. Have you thought about what values are most important to you? Are they in alignment with the business in which you work or the personal activities in … [Read more...]
6 Tips For Finding Your Why
Several years ago I watched a video about finding your “why” in your business. To uncover your true “why,” it would be helpful to understand why you are doing what you are doing. However, uncovering your why can be difficult as this may open yourself up to facing the truth. Your “why” might be to get rich or to simply to buy more things. Is that going to spur you on to new … [Read more...]
10 Tips to a More Positive Outlook
Take a look at what’s trending and many times you will find the topic of self-esteem. Self esteem really means understanding your strengths and faults and being able to move forward in life. Too much focus on faults can cause you to freeze in place and hinder you from starting that new job or new business. How can you make sure you keep your self-esteem where it needs to … [Read more...]
Why is Learning So Important in the Workplace?
Learning information and career skills is no longer limited to the classroom experience or job orientation sessions. Learning is a lifelong endeavor. In order to keep current with changing business trends, learning has to be a part of the equation. Learning is important to keep your skill sets updated and marketable if you are looking to change jobs. Knowing how you learn … [Read more...]
Are You Neglecting Your Life Priorities?
Many are women in transition. They are often experiencing a major change either at home or at work and can lose focus on life priorities. I know many of you have heard of a bucket list and that is one of the activities that I recommend that you create. Not that I am looking for you to accomplish all of your life aspirations at once, but over time, what would you like to … [Read more...]
How to Reach Your Dreams – 3 Tips to Get on Track
Have you found yourself stuck in a life rut? Have you found that your career path is not developing as you had hoped? What happened to that goal you had aspired to attain? Too far off and seemingly out of reach? Most likely, life happened. Other priorities arose, you changed direction in certain areas with personal life or career and now you find that you are not where you … [Read more...]