When individuals indicate that they want to start a business they are often advised to follow their passion, but is this really the best advice? Unfortunately, such guidance could be a bit short-sighted. Not all passions can be turned into profitable businesses for at least 2 reasons: There’s no demand for the product or service you want to offer. There is a demand for … [Read more...]
Is Entrepreneurship Worth the Risk? [Infographic]
A new year is just a couple of days away and with the start of a new year comes reflection and resolutions. If you've been thinking about entrepreneurship as your next career step but you're not sure if it's worth the risk, then the infographic below that made the rounds online a couple of months ago might help you make your decision. The infographic comes from Dun and … [Read more...]
5 Winning Strategies For Starting a Business
Guest post by Jane Wesman (learn more about Jane at the end of this post) Do you dream about starting a business, but don’t know where to begin? Does the idea of being your own boss and creating a company that provides great products and services excite you? But all you do is dream, unable to move ahead? You’re not alone. Many women feel this way. More than twenty-five … [Read more...]
Starting a Business in an Economic Downturn
Post by Amy Blais, contributing Women on Business writer In the current economic climate, it seems all we hear about is the bad news; people losing their jobs, companies going out of business, and banks failing. Oftentimes the overload of negative news makes us forget about the power of the entrepreneurial market in the US economy. However, entrepreneurs can be the answer to … [Read more...]