Telework Week 2013 is scheduled for March 4-8 and already 77,000 people have pledged to telecommute during that week. Telework Week is a global initiative from Mobile Work Exchange, Cisco, and Citrix, which encourages individuals, companies, and agencies to increase telecommuting. In 2012, more than 71,000 people and organizations pledged to telecommute during Telework Week … [Read more...]
The Real Benefits of Employee Telecommuting [Infographic]
Today, approximately 30 million Americans telecommute at least one day per week, and that number is expected to increase 63% by 2016. For most employers, the biggest deterrent to allowing employees to telecommute is the myth that their productivity levels will decrease when they work from home. Statistics show that's not true as you can see in the infographic … [Read more...]
What Americans Really Think About Telecommuting [Infographic]
Would you want to telecommute if you could? Why or why not? Each year TeamViewer conducts a survey of American telecommuters to identify the benefits of telecommuting as well as the unique demands that come with working remotely. However, the benefits to employees can also be benefits to employers. For example, the survey revealed that 50% of telecommuters believe they are … [Read more...]
How Working from Home Helps Businesses, Employees, and the Environment [Infographic]
Most people who have had the chance to work from home will agree that telecommuting increases their productivity levels and reduces their stress. An infographic from (shown below) highlights a number of different ways that providing telecommuting options to employees can improve not just employees' performance and job satisfaction but also the company's … [Read more...]