Telework Week 2013 is scheduled for March 4-8 and already 77,000 people have pledged to telecommute during that week.
Telework Week is a global initiative from Mobile Work Exchange, Cisco, and Citrix, which encourages individuals, companies, and agencies to increase telecommuting. In 2012, more than 71,000 people and organizations pledged to telecommute during Telework Week which resulted in 6,413,006 fewer miles driven, a $5,651,890 savings on commuting costs, 251,774 hours gained back into participants’ days, and a 3,453 ton reduction of pollutants from the air.
For the 2013 Telework Week, pledges are expected to save an average of $66 per day, which equates to an annual savings of $3,300 per person. Based on the 77,000 people and companies that have already pledged to be a part of Telework Week 2013 (and that number will certainly grow as Telework Week gets closer), the following savings and reductions are projected:
- Pledges will collectively save $5.1 million in commuting savings in one week. For a year, that’s a collective savings of $255 million.
- Average person will save 3 ½ hours by not commuting in one week.
- Collectively, pledges will avoid driving more than 6.7 million miles during Telework Week – that’s more than 270 trips around the world.
- Pledges will avoid consuming more than 350,000 gallons of gas in one week; in a year, each teleworking pledge can lower their household carbon footprint by more than two CO2 tons.
You can follow the link to see more data about how increased telecommuting can benefit Americans and the economy in the Real Benefits of Employee Telecommuting Infographic.