Is there some connection you’ve been nursing along for quite a while?
For so long, in fact, that the original professional objective, perhaps a long shot to begin with, is starting to look like more fantasy than reality?
As a coach specializing in goal setting I’m called on daily to encourage optimism. The notion that stating your goal and going for it puts you on the path to eventual success is a cornerstone of my work with people seeking both personal and professional objectives.
Is it really true?
The answer is yes, absolutely.
Sheer persistence can bring amazing returns.
The Meeting That Took a Year to Schedule
Consider the story of the salesman trying to land an appointment with a big account. As the story goes the salesman called his target weekly on the same day of the week for a year. Each time he called he reached his prospect and asked for a meeting. Each time his prospect gave the same response.
Finally, the prospect became exasperated and asked the salesman what it would take to get him to stop calling. The prospect replied “take the meeting.” The prospect agreed, the meeting took place and the sale was made. A profitable business relationship resulted benefiting both – because the salesman persisted in his weekly calls.
Two Years to a Contract
A graphic artist I know tells a similar story. Her one woman shop was her passion and through energetic marketing she maintained a relatively consistent workflow. Her community connections included a contact at a nearby major university. She made a practice of staying in touch with that contact every month or two months indicating her interest in being considered for a project. Two years passed this way, and her hope that work might actually materialize from the institution became dimmer and dimmer.
At that point the university was planning the launch of a major public relations campaign and she was invited to bid on the graphic component. She landed the contract – enough work to keep her employed full time for a two or three year period. Again, the business materialized because of sheer persistence.
Is the message here that if you just hang in there for a year or two good things will magically materialize?
Instead they’re a reminder that waiting it out can be a profitable strategy.
The press of business can push us, sometimes without too much thought, into a strategy of yield or move on. Those relationships that take an unusually long time to mature can fall by the wayside.
The next time you’re about to leave one such relationship behind take a second look through the long view lens. You may decide to stick it out a bit longer.
And perhaps you’ll see first hand what the power of persistence can bring.
Anne Clarke, is a personal and executive coach and principal of ABClarke Coaching. She helps individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs achieve success – however they define it. Contact Anne at [email protected] or on the web at
Thank you for sharing your article. I have a start up business and I am at the stage of unsure. Doing everything right but waiting on the results. This is a very hard stage.