Today, approximately 30 million Americans telecommute at least one day per week, and that number is expected to increase 63% by 2016.
For most employers, the biggest deterrent to allowing employees to telecommute is the myth that their productivity levels will decrease when they work from home. Statistics show that’s not true as you can see in the infographic below.
According to the data, if everyone whose job is compatible with telecommuting were to begin working from home just half of the time, the national savings would be greater than $700 billion per year. Specific savings include:
- A company saves $11,000 per telecommuting employee.
- A telecommuting employee saves between $2,000 and $7,000 per year.
- The oil savings would be greater than 37% of U.S. imports from the Persian Gulf.
- The greenhouse gas reduction would be the equivalent of taking the entire workforce across the state of New York permanently off the road.
You can see all of the data about employee telecommuting in the infographic below.
Via: BOLT Insurance
Spot on! Couldn’t agree more with the description and infographic. Telecommuting not only helps you save a lot of money and care for the environment, it also gives you less stress and more time for your friends & family therefore restoring work-life balance.