If you think about it, all of us are here, during the time we have on the planet, to be who we were meant to be.
We may be good at performing music.
We may be good with numbers.
You might have an ear for learning languages.
Your skill might be in woodworking.
Some of you prefer to think, whereas some of you prefer to act.
All of us have a unique skillset and particular sphere of expertise that we’re good at and that we enjoy.
Our main task while we’re here on the planet is to use our skills to match with our big vision of what we are here to accomplish.
Your soul, when you decided to come to Earth, had a list of items that you wanted to check off: perhaps your task you gave yourself was to learn how to be more compassionate. Or perhaps you had a checklist item to make the world a better place for children or sick people. Perhaps your initial task list included being a good husband, father, son, brother, or wife, mother, daughter, or sister.
Whatever that to-do list includes, you are participating in that work day by day. Your soul grows through your daily work. You reflect everything around you by participating in our shared experience of Life.
When you choose your job, or your occupation, or your ongoing daily practice, consider that you were born for a particular purpose. I encourage you to do as much as you can to bring your life work into alignment with your soul’s deepest need.
If everyone in the world were acting in alignment with their soul’s deepest need, imagine what the world would be like? Just imagine the kind of things that could be created, with 6 billion people channelling their energy into what deeply fulfills them – for the highest positive intention!
Not everyone has the luxury of being passionate about their jobs but there are other outlets, hobbies, volunteering, blogging.