People think that entrepreneurs are incredibly brave and that we have a plan for everything. The truth is that most days we feel like people are going to find out that we have no clue and that we are just trying to keep from drowning. We are all really good at something that’s why we started a business, but the one thing some of us are not so good at is building ourselves up as entrepreneurs. Some of us worry about everything we do and never take that big risk for that big reward. We think of every possible reason why something can’t be done and we let that keep us small. While we may feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities, the tasks and the burdens of running a business so here are a few big things we small businesses can do.
Remember that our thoughts shape our business
If you think it won’t work, just turn around and walk away already. This thing you’re doing, it came out of your head and you made it a reality. Do you have any idea how much courage and hard work that took? Don’t ever for even a second let the thought creep in that you have failed, that you aren’t smart enough and that you can’t possibly succeed.
Falling is required
In business I take issue with entrepreneurs that have never failed. While I wish everyone success, I believe a real entrepreneur is someone who has had to lose damn near everything to see their dream come true. Maybe that’s my blue collar upbringing or maybe that’s the southern part of me rearing its head, but I believe in the power of scars. When you have a scar or a war story the point isn’t what you went through, it’s that you survived. When you have a scar it means that something almost beat you but it DIDN’T. You beat it whatever it was; it put up one heck of a fight, but you won.
Tomorrow is another day
I thank Scarlett O’Hara for this one, because it’s true. In business there is always another day to be great. When you mess up with the wrong product in the wrong market or you don’t close a deal, the only thing certain is that there’s another chance to try again tomorrow. The thing is that most of us are so worried about keeping the doors open and making a profit, we forget why we started. We wanted to make something great and to do that we have to believe that we will, no matter how far away that goal seems now.
Being scared is almost a prerequisite of being an entrepreneur. If you aren’t scared, I question your commitment. Being in business is a lonely, scary place and a true entrepreneur feels out of their depth at least once a day. If you don’t, I challenge the fact that you are growing as an entrepreneur. I’m not talking about taking stupid risks, but I am talking about building something. Building something requires that you swim without floaties, are you willing to take the plunge?
This was very inspiring to read and I appreciate the hard truth that we fail, we hit rock bottom, we learn from our mistakes and pick ourselves back up again. With a background in psychology and my own brand spanking new business I am always searching for ways to effectively lead my staff, balance my work and play, and become successful. I have a vision and a drive, now what? In my research I was lucky to come across the book by author Bill Sims Jr. Green Beans & Ice Cream ( The book covers the best and the worst ways to motivate people, how to use positive reinforcement correctly, and most importantly how a behavior change can turn around your whole business. It’s an easy read, almost feels like you’re having a real conversation with the author. That’s why I enjoyed your post so much. So many business blogs are so stuffy and boring. I like posts and books that sound HUMAN. I think anyone trying to run their own business would benefit from this book 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Karen,
Thanks for the comment and the recommendation. I will check out Green Beans & Ice Cream. Good Luck striking out on your own, please remember to pat yourself on the back and appreciate all the incredible courage that it took to take the leap!