Often times, are so enthusiastic and think they are going to strike it rich as soon as they release their product or service, but they are often mistaken because without effective marketing, the public will not hear about what they have to offer. Many small businesses make the mistake of placing poorly written full-page ads in local newspapers or placing on . Because the message in the advertisement was not constructed effectively, many times their marketing efforts don’t generate enough revenue to cover the cost of marketing.
Continue reading to learn the best ways to create, manage, and build a brand through using correctly. It doesn’t matter whether you are just starting out or re-vamping an ; these tactics will certainly help create brand awareness and credibility.
1. Consider everything that your company has going on to create newsworthy hooks. Are you launching new products, hiring new staff, or releasing a new website or blog? Once you determine what you are going to pitch, make sure your story is unique and interesting to your . If it sounds like a , reporters and editors will not publish it. Journalists, editors, and reporters’ jobs are to deliver compelling news.
2. Make sure your PR materials are current. This includes press releases and press kits (cover letter/backgrounder, bios, company fact sheet, , reviews, interviews, , and a photo). When a media professional calls you, make sure the materials are ready. If not, the editor or journalist will pass you by and pick the next person in line. Journalists, editors, and reporters work under tight deadlines, so you have to be ready to go when they call.
3. Take your press releases online. Register at free and paid sites such as www.prnewswire.com, www.pr.com, www.prweb.com, and www.businesswire.com. Thousands of media professionals scour the Internet for new stories so you might end up with the release picked up on a blog, in a newsletter or with a review on a website. I’ve gained good exposure using this method. In addition, the more links you have to your website or blog, the better it will help with search engine marekting.
4. Publishing articles for various article directories and publications instantly boosts credibility. Bylined articles give you the opportunity to write on your areas of expertise. If you are in the fashion industry, write about emerging spring trends, the newest styles on the runway, the most flattering clothes body types, or anything else that relates to the fashion industry.
If you write for a blog, posts should be (approximately 200 to 300 words). If you are writing a for an online or offline publication, it should be approximately 700 words or longer. Bylined articles give you the opportunity to add a sig file, which contains your name, contact information, and company.
The more you write, the better known and credible you become, thus becoming an industry expert. Before you know it, publications will approach you to write on a paid basis. You can also consider starting a website that has your bio, photo, your brand, what you specialize in, and where you have been published. The URL could be your name or the name of your brand.
For more information on branding your business, contact me at [email protected].
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